Investors, data providers and regulators are invited to learn practical steps to using structured data
XBRL US announced today that it will hold a free, half-day forum, “Smart Data, Better Results”, for investors, analysts, and regulators, as well as data and analytical tool providers. The event is hosted by Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business in the Newman Conference Center, 55 Lexington Avenue, with sponsorship by CFA Institute and CFA Society New York. This year’s program will emphasize practical information on using structured, automated smart data to perform better analysis. Speakers on the agenda include representatives from CFA Institute, Morgan Stanley, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Thomson Reuters, in addition to various XBRL startup analytical tool providers.
“This forum will provide in-depth instruction showing how to extract and consume XBRL data.” said Campbell Pryde, CEO of XBRL US.
The program will provide practical information about the availability of structured data around the world, in addition to instructional sessions on the steps necessary to extract and prepare XBRL data to be used for analysis. The forum will also present information about technical changes in XBRL that will impact investors and a case study on creating structured data from earnings releases.
Who – speakers confirmed to date include:
- Chase Bongirno, Director of XBRL, Toppan Vintage
- Todd Castagno, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley
- Eric Linder, CEO, SavaNet LLC
- Joey French, CPA, President and CFO, Intrinio
- Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US
- Alex Rapp, President, CTO and co-Founder, Calcbench
- Mohini Singh, Director of Financial Reporting Policy, CFA Institute
- Gladimyr Sully, Senior Content Specialist, Thomson Reuters
- Christine Tan, Chief Research Officer and Co-Founder, idaciti
- Scott Theis, CEO, Novaworks, LLC
- Liv Watson, Sr. Director of Strategic Customer Initiatives, Workiva Inc.
- Mike Willis, Assistant Director, Office of Structured Disclosure, Division of Economics and Risk Analysis, Securities and Exchange Commission
When: November 1, 2017 from 1:50 ET to 5:45 ET, followed by networking reception
Where: Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business, 55 Lexington Avenue, Room 14-220, New York, NY
How: see full agenda and register https://zicklin.baruch.cuny.edu/centers/zcci/zcci-events/investor-forum-2017-smart-data-better-results