From Certent for EDGAR filers

Certent DisclosureNet is the only complete reporting solution, period. It provides solutions and services to access public company filings and helps locate qualitative, unstructured information to establish best practices and perform peer comparisons. Combining the latest technology with deep industry knowledge, DisclosureNet helps finance and reporting teams collaborate, gain valuable insights, improve efficiency, reduce costs and ultimately accelerate their internal executive and external reporting by providing access to data in a robust research and analytics portal. An expert services team is available 24/7 to help filers with their questions ranging from basic to the most complex.

Features: taxonomy/extension creation • consulting • taxonomy validation • training classes • instance creation • For EDGAR Filers • instance rendering • filing preparation • data management • software development • taxonomy comparison • XBRL review • data reporting • financial information analysis • data analysis • web-based training • taxonomy management •

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