Rule ID: DQC_0015-V4 for US GAAP - this public exposure version was available for comment until August 15, 2017.
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Rule function

The US GAAP Taxonomy is designed so that the majority of elements have a positive value. This rule tests whether the values for a given list of elements are negative. The rule does not test elements when a specified member is present which would allow the value to be negative.

This rule was initially approved by the Committee on November 18, 2015 – below are additions to the approved rule, on which the Committee is requesting comment.

Additional Non-negative Elements

See file DQC_0015 List of Elements V4 which provides a list of additional elements that should not be negative. The rule tests whether these elements have a negative value in an XBRL document. The elements are listed in order of most commonly occurring errors.

Please use the General Feedback form to comment on the previously-approved rule, list of elements and/or member exclusions.

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