Rule ID: DQC_0067 for US GAAP - approved October 10, 2018.
Latest update: February 13, 2019. - see appendix for details.
View: as part of approved release v8.0.0 || public exposure version & comments.

Rule function

This rule identifies if elements associated with the new revenue recognition standards are used in conjunction with elements from the previous revenue recognition standard. The implementation of the revenue recognition standard in the US GAAP taxonomy requires that revenue elements using the prior standard cannot be included in the same instance as elements using the new standard. Because there is no attribute that indicates if the company has adopted the new revenue recognition standard the rule assumes that if any of the new revenue recognition elements are used in the filing, then the new standard has been adopted by the filer.

The rule first identifies all of the revenue elements associated with the prior revenue recognition standard. These are identified by taking all of the non abstract elements from the network group with the role and adding all the calculation descendants of the element SalesRevenueNet1 from the US GAAP taxonomy. The following calculation descendants are exceptions:

  • OperatingLeasesIncomeStatementLeaseRevenue
  • OperatingLeasesIncomeStatementMinimumLeaseRevenue
  • OperatingLeasesIncomeStatementContingentRevenue
  • PercentageRent
  • OperatingLeasesIncomeStatementSubleaseRevenue
  • RevenueFromRelatedParties

The US GAAP taxonomy used is the taxonomy that aligns with the taxonomy used by the filing. This set of elements is then adjusted to exclude the following elements which are included in the DeferredRevenue role of the taxonomy:

  • ExciseAndSalesTaxes
  • RevenueRecognitionPolicyTextBlock
  • GrossTranactionVolume
  • CostOfSalesPolicyTextBlock
  • DirectCostsOfLeasedAndRentedPropertyOrEquipment
  • DeferredRevenue
  • DeferredRevenueCurrent
  • DeferredRevenueNoncurrent

All of these elements can be used with the old and the new Revenue standards.

A second set of elements is then identified that represents the elements associated with the new standard. These are identified by taking all of the non abstract elements from the network group with the role

The rule then looks at the facts disclosed in the filing and flags an error if any facts are reported from both sets of elements in any reporting period. In addition, the rule excludes from the facts it evaluates any values that use the StatementScenerioAxis. These are excluded because a company may present a scenario with Revenue under the prior standard when compared to the new standard.

In addition to the rule, the Data Quality Committee has published guidance related to revenue recognition that details how facts should be reported when adopting the revenue recognition standard.

Problem solved by the rule

This rule identifies those cases where a filer has used elements from the new revenue recognition standard with elements from the prior revenue recognition standard.

Example rule message

The filing has reported a value of 4,000,000 for the element us-gaap:SalesRevenueNet. This is a revenue recognition element that is not a component of FASB 606 and does not appear in disclosure group 606000. However the following elements have also been tagged in the filing that indicate that the FASB 606 revenue recognition standard has been adopted:

Either the new revenue recognition elements must be used or the old revenue recognition elements should be used but they should not be combined in the same filing.

The properties of this us-gaap:SalesRevenueNet fact are:
Period: 2018-01-01 to 2018-03-31
Dimensions : us-gaap:StatementBusinessSegmentsAxis=f:MobilitySegmentMember, us-gaap:ConsolidationItemsAxis=us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMember
Unit : USD

Rule Element Id:7644
Rule version: 7.0.0

For Developers

The Global Rule Logic document contains general guidelines for implementation of rules.

The rule message template contains text and parametric reference to arguments of the rule operation, using the syntax ${parameter} to indicate that insertion of a parameter’s value is to occur.

Message template

The filing has reported a value of \”{$revRec}\” for the element {$}. This is a revenue recognition element that is not a component of FASB 606 and does not appear in disclosure group 606000. However the following elements have also been tagged in the filing that indicate that the FASB 606 revenue recognition standard has been adopted:

Either the new revenue recognition elements must be used or the old revenue recognition elements should be used but they should not be combined in the same filing.

The properties of this {$revRec.concept} fact are:
Period :{$revRec.period}
Dimensions : {$revRec.dimensions.join(‘, ‘,’=’)}
Unit : {$revRec.unit}

Rule Element Id:7644
Rule version: {$ruleVersion}

Rule element ID index

The rule element id is used to identify unique elements or combinations of elements tested in the rule.

Rule Element ID

1 Note that in the 2018 taxonomy this element has no children as it is deprecated. As a result none of the elements will be included. However if they are used they will result in a deprecated element error.

View: as part of approved release v8.0.0 || public exposure version & comments.