Rule function
This rule identifies those cases where the following elements have not been tagged with appropriate members and values. The rule checks that the following two elements are tagged appropriately based on FASB guidance :
- DefinedBenefitPlanPlanAssetsInvestmentWithinPlanAssetCategoryAmount
- Abbreviated as Inv_In_Cat
- DefinedBenefitPlanAmountOfEmployerAndRelatedPartySecuritiesIncludedInPlanAssets
- Abbreviated as Rel_Party
First, these two elements cannot be tagged without including the Defined Benefit Plan By Plan Asset Categories Axis. These two elements must be used in conjunction with the axis DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis. The rule checks that all values using these elements have this axis associated with them. If this axis is not defined with values using these elements then an error is produced.
Second, these elements represent a sub component of another plan asset category in the pension disclosure. These elements must be associated with a plan asset category defined using the axis DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis. This means the member used with these elements must be a child member of the member used with the line item DefinedBenefitPlanFairValueOfPlanAssets. The rule checks any values reported using the line items do not position the Plan Asset category member as a direct child of DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis .
Third, the rule checks that any values reported for the elements Inv_In_Cat and Rel_Party do not have a value that is greater than or equal to the value reported for DefinedBenefitPlanFairValueOfPlanAssets. The rule matches the values where the members of Inv_In_Cat and Rel_Party are children of the member used to report the values for DefinedBenefitPlanFairValueOfPlanAssets.
The three components of the rule work across all additional dimensions used in the disclosure. For example these rules are applied for every pension plan that is disclosed by the company.
Problem solved by the rule
This rule follows the guidance issued by the FASB in the Implementation Guide Retirement Benefits – Phase 2.
The rule specifically addresses the Guidance associated with examples 3 and 4a.
Scope of the Rule
This rule only applies to filings using the 2018 US GAAP Taxonomy and later where the element DefinedBenefitPlanPlanAssetsInvestmentWithinPlanAssetCategoryAmount is used, as this element was introduced in the 2018 US GAAP Taxonomy.
This rule applies to all approved taxonomies and later where the element DefinedBenefitPlanAmountOfEmployerAndRelatedPartySecuritiesIncludedInPlanAssets is used, as this element exists in all approved US GAAP Taxonomies.
Example rule message
This rule can result in three alternative rule messages:
Message 1
The element DefinedBenefitPlanPlanAssetsInvestmentWithinPlanAssetCategoryAmount with a value of 234,000 must be used with the dimension DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis.
The properties of this DefinedBenefitPlanPlanAssetsInvestmentWithinPlanAssetCategoryAmount fact are:
Period: 2017-12-31
Dimensions: none
Unit: usd
Rule Element Id: 7642
Rule version: 7.0
Message 2
It is expected that the concept DefinedBenefitPlanPlanAssetsInvestmentWithinPlanAssetCategoryAmount with a value of 234,000 and having a member of EquityMember should not use a member that is a direct child of the axis DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis. The element DefinedBenefitPlanPlanAssetsInvestmentWithinPlanAssetCategoryAmount is supposed to be used as a component of DefinedBenefitPlanFairValueOfPlanAssets with a more specific member. The member EquityMember should appear on the DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis as a child of the member used to report the value for DefinedBenefitPlanFairValueOfPlanAssets.
The properties of this DefinedBenefitPlanPlanAssetsInvestmentWithinPlanAssetCategoryAmount fact are:
Period: 2017-12-31
Dimensions: DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis = EquityMember
Unit: usd
Rule Element Id: 7642
Rule version: 7.0
Message 3
It is expected that the concept DefinedBenefitPlanPlanAssetsInvestmentWithinPlanAssetCategoryAmount with a value of 324,000 should be less than the value of DefinedBenefitPlanFairValueOfPlanAssets with a value of 320,000. The element DefinedBenefitPlanPlanAssetsInvestmentWithinPlanAssetCategoryAmount is supposed to be used as a component of DefinedBenefitPlanFairValueOfPlanAssets with a more specific member.
The properties of this DefinedBenefitPlanPlanAssetsInvestmentWithinPlanAssetCategoryAmount fact are:
Period: 2017-12-31
Dimensions: DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis = EquityIssuedByCompanyMember
Unit: usd
Rule Element Id: 7642
Rule version: 7.0
For Developers
The Global Rule Logic document contains general guidelines for implementation of rules.
The rule message template contains text and parametric reference to arguments of the rule operation, using the syntax ${parameter} to indicate that insertion of a parameter’s value is to occur.
Message template
Message 1
The element {$ComponentAmount.concept} with a value of {$ComponentAmount} must be used with the dimension DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis.
The properties of this {$ComponentAmount.concept} fact are:
Period: {$ComponentAmount.period}
Dimensions: {$ComponentAmount.dimensions.join(‘, ‘,’=’)}
Unit: {$ComponentAmount.unit}
Rule Element Id: 7642
Rule version: {$ruleVersion}
Message 2
It is expected that the concept {$ComponentAmount.concept} with a value of {$ComponentAmount} and having a member of {$ComponentAmount.dimension(DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis)} should not use a member that is a direct child of the axis DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis. The element {$ComponentAmount.concept} is supposed to be used as a component of DefinedBenefitPlanFairValueOfPlanAssets with a more specific member. The member {$ComponentAmount.dimension(DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis)} should appear on the DefinedBenefitPlanByPlanAssetCategoriesAxis as a child of the member used to report the value for DefinedBenefitPlanFairValueOfPlanAssets.
The properties of this {$ComponentAmount.concept} fact are:
Period: {$ComponentAmount.period}
Dimensions: {$ComponentAmount.dimensions.join(‘, ‘,’=’)}
Unit: {$ComponentAmount.unit}
Rule Element Id: 7642
Rule version: {$ruleVersion}
Message 3
It is expected that the concept {$ComponentAmount.concept} with a value of {$ComponentAmount} should be less than the value of {$GreaterAmount.concept} with a value of {$GreaterAmount}. The element {$ComponentAmount.concept} is supposed to be used as a component of {$GreaterAmount.concept} with a more specific member.
The properties of this {$ComponentAmount.concept} fact are:
Period: {$ComponentAmount.period}
Dimensions: {$ComponentAmount.dimensions.join(‘, ‘,’=’)}
Unit: {$ComponentAmount.unit}
Rule Element Id: 7642
Rule version: {$ruleVersion}
Rule element ID index
The rule element id is used to identify unique elements or combinations of elements tested in the rule.
Rule Element ID | Element |
DQC.US.0069.7642 | DefinedBenefitPlanPlanAssetsInvestmentWithinPlanAssetCategoryAmount |
DQC.US.0069.7643 | DefinedBenefitPlanAmountOfEmployerAndRelatedPartySecuritiesIncludedInPlanAssets |
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