Rule ID: DQC_0135 for US GAAP - approved June 29, 2022.
Latest update: December 6, 2022. - see Rule element ID index for details.
View: as part of approved release v19.0.6 || public exposure version & comments.

Rule function

The FASB has defined a number of elements that if reported and are not included in the face financial statements, filers need to indicate which financial statement captions the amounts appear (these elements have been identified in the US GAAP taxonomy as extensible enumeration elements). This rule has two components. The first component identifies an error if the company has made a disclosure and has not included the caption where the amount appears in the financial statements. The second reports an error for a fact that includes the Balance Sheet and Income Statement Location axis and does not have an associated extensible enumeration using the same dimensions.

These two checks only apply to 10-K’s and 20-F’s and amendments thereto.

Component 1

The intention of this component is to identify those elements where a filer has reported an amount but has not included the caption where that amount appears in the face financial statements. This rule checks if each of these elements exist in the filings. If the defined element is used and is not in the face-financial statements the rule checks that an extensible enumeration element is used that relates to the amount reported. If no related extensible enumeration is reported then the rule reports a single error for the element irrespective of how many facts are reported.

The rule identifies those elements on the face of the financial statements by identifying the elements that appear in the extended link roles that are defined with the word “ – Statement -” in the description. The rule then identifies all the calculation descendants of these statement elements and treats them as if they were also reported on the face financials. This is performed because in many cases companies will define a breakdown of the elements in the financial statements in a supporting note. These elements are treated as if they are in the financial statements and do not need an extensible enumeration element to be defined.

The rule excludes lease items as they are handled by separate rules. The rule also excludes items that do not require a caption under FASB standards.

If the amount reported in the notes has calculation ancestors defined in the notes these are identified and compared to the face financial statement line items. If there is commonality between these ancestors and statement elements then the rule will not run, as a calculation subtotal shown in the notes with the aggregate total appearing in the face financials gives a clear indication in which caption the amount appears.

If the ancestor elements do not appear in the calculation comprising a face financial item, the rule checks if any of these ancestor items have an extensible enumeration associated with them. If they do then the rule will not run.

The rule checks that if the amount reported is a pension cost element and the aggregate pension extensible enumeration is reported then the rule will not run. This is the element DefinedBenefitPlanNetPeriodicBenefitCostCreditExcludingServiceCostStatementOfIncome
OrComprehensiveIncomeExtensibleList. In relation to pensions if the element NetPeriodicDefinedBenefitsExpenseReversalOfExpenseExcludingServiceCostComponent appears on the financial statements then the pension cost elements in the notes will not be checked for the existence of the extensible item. The pension cost items not to check is determined by using the calculation descendants of NetPeriodicDefinedBenefitsExpenseReversalOfExpenseExcludingServiceCostComponent defined in the US-GAAP taxonomy.

The rule will exclude from the check values that are broken down by the following dimensions. This is to avoid requiring companies to report where the detailed breakdown of certain items appears in the financial statements. These axis are:

  • FairValueByAssetClassAxis
  • FairValueByLiabilityClassAxis
  • FinancialInstrumentAxis
  • RetirementPlanNameAxis
  • RetirementPlanTypeAxis
  • DerivativeInstrumentRiskAxis
  • DerivativeInstrumentsGainLossByHedgingRelationshipAxis
  • HedgingDesignationAxis

In addition any facts with the following members are not required to have an extensible enumeration:

  • FairValueInputsLevel2Member
  • FairValueInputsLevel1Member
  • FairValueMeasuredAtNetAssetValuePerShareMember
  • FairValueInputsLevel12And3Member

After the above steps are performed and there is no relationship between the element reported and where it appears in the financial statements then an error is reported.

In some cases companies will not report the values reported in a financial statement caption because they are immaterial. The rule identifies the largest value in the notes and compares it against a tolerance of 20 multiplied by the scale factor of the financial statements. If the financials are reported in millions of dollars, then any values in the notes under or equal to 20 million will not be identified as an error and any elements with a value greater than 20 million will be identified as an error.

Component 2

The second component of the rule operates in a similar manner to the first component. This rule evaluates if the filer has used the IncomeStatementLocationAxis or the BalanceSheetLocationAxis with an element that has a matching extensible enumeration element. If an element has used the Statement Location Axis to disaggregate a value the rule checks that the filer has used the corresponding extensible enumeration element to indicate the statement caption. This is done because there is no method to link the member name on the statement location axis to the actual element used in the financial statements.

Example rule message

Example rule message #1

The element us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanInterestCost has been used in the filing but does not appear in the financial statements of the filing. This disclosure should appear in the face financials unless it is included in another account caption. If this is the case the following element(s) us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanNetPeriodicBenefitCostCreditInterestCostStatementOfIncomeOrComprehensiveIncomeExtensibleList,DefinedBenefitPlanNetPeriodicBenefitCostCreditExcludingServiceCostStatementOfIncomeOrComprehensiveIncomeExtensibleList should be used to identify the financial statement account where the element us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanInterestCost is included.

In the case of pension elements the element DefinedBenefitPlanNetPeriodicBenefitCostCreditExcludingServiceCostStatementOfIncomeOrComprehensiveIncomeExtensibleList can be used as a catch all for those cases where a company indicates that all pension costs are included in a specific line item on the financial statements.

If the filing does not disclose the financial statement captions where the amounts appear, an extension element DefinedBenefitPlanNetPeriodicBenefitCostCreditExcludingServiceCostStatementOfIncomeOrComprehensiveIncomeExtensibleListNotDisclosedFlag can be used. If this element is used, the rule will not produce an error.

The following is an example of a fact that does not have an extensible list.

Concept: us-gaap:DefinedBenefitPlanInterestCost
Value: 1,234,000
Period: 2021-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Unit: USD
Decimals: -3

Rule Element ID: 9835
Rule version: 18.0.0RC1

Example rule message #2

The element us-gaap:DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleAccruedInterestAfterAllowanceForCreditLoss with a value of 802,000 has been used in the filing but does not appear in the financial statements of the filing. This disclosure should appear in the face financials unless it is included in another account caption. If this is the case the element us-gaap:DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleAccruedInterestAfterAllowanceForCreditLossStatementOfFinancialPositionExtensibleList should be used to identify the account where the element us-gaap:DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleAccruedInterestAfterAllowanceForCreditLoss is included.

Because this value uses a statement location axis the enumerated value should also include the appropriate statement location axis. If there is only one statement location axis value the location axis does not have to be used.

If the filing does not disclose the financial statement captions where the amounts appear, an extension element DebtSecuritiesAvailableForSaleAccruedInterestAfterAllowanceForCreditLossStatementOfFinancialPositionExtensibleListNotDisclosedFlag can be used. If this element is used, the rule will not produce an error.

Period: 2021-12-31
Dimensions: us-gaap:BalanceSheetLocationAxis=us-gaap:OtherAssetsMember
Unit: USD
Decimals: -3

Rule Element ID: 9836
Rule version: 18.0.0RC1

For Developers

The Global Rule Logic document contains general guidelines for implementation of rules.

The rule message template contains text and parametric reference to arguments of the rule operation, using the syntax ${parameter} to indicate that insertion of a parameter’s value is to occur.

Message template

General message template #1

The element {$FS_concept} has been used in the filing but does not appear in the financial statements of the filing. This disclosure should appear in the face financials unless it is included in another account caption. If this is the case the following element(s) {$“,”)} should be used to identify the account where the financial statement element {$FS_concept} is included.

If the filing does not disclose the financial statement captions where the amounts appear, an extension element {$NotDisclosedAsImmaterial} can be used. If this element is used, the rule will not produce an error.

The following is an example of a fact that does not have an extensible list.

Concept: {$FS_concept}
Value: {first($FS_Concept_Item)}
Period: {first($FS_Concept_Item).period}
Dimensions: {first($FS_Concept_Item).dimensions.join(‘, ‘,’=’)}
Unit: {first($FS_Concept_Item).unit}
Decimals: {first($FS_Concept_Item).decimals}

Rule Element ID: {$ruleId}
Rule version: {$ruleVersion}

General message template #2

The element {$FS_concept} with a value of {$FS_Concept_Item} has been used in the filing but does not appear in the financial statements of the filing. This disclosure should appear in the face financials unless it is included in another account caption. If this is the case the element {$related_ext_enum} should be used to identify the account where the element {$FS_concept} is included. Because this value uses a statement location axis the enumerated value should also include the appropriate statement location axis. If there is only one statement location axis value the location axis does not have to be used.

If the filing does not disclose the financial statement captions where the amounts appear, an extension element {$NotDisclosedAsImmaterial} can be used. If this element is used, the rule will not produce an error.

Concept: {$FS_concept}
Period: {$FS_Concept_Item.period}
Dimensions: {$FS_Concept_Item.dimensions.join(‘, ‘,’=’)}
Unit: {$FS_Concept_Item.unit}
Decimals: {$FS_Concept_Item.decimals}

Rule Element ID: {$ruleId}
Rule version: {$ruleVersion}

Rule element ID index

The rule element id is used to identify unique elements or combinations of elements tested in the rule.

Rule Element ID Elements
DQC.US.0135.9835 Extensible Enumeration Elements

DQC.US.0135.9836|Extensible Enumeration Elements|

View: as part of approved release v19.0.6 || public exposure version & comments.