Rule ID: dqc_0188 for US GAAP - approved June 27, 2024.
View: as part of approved release v24.0.0 || public exposure version & comments.

Rule function

Filers making proxy filings are expected to reconcile between executive compensation and the actual executive compensation paid. The taxonomy is designed to allow filers to report these adjustment items using the Adjustment to compensation axis which is defined using the axis concept AdjToCompAxis.

This rule identifies the members used on this axis in the filing and compares the members used to the members defined in the SEC taxonomy. If there are no common members the rule will report an error. It is expected that the filers will use the members defined in the SEC taxonomy and will not create all extension members. Extension members may be appropriate but, it is expected that common adjustments made between filings use the standard members defined by the SEC.

Problem solved by the rule

The rule is intended to ensure that the compensation adjustments reported in the proxy use appropriate member concepts defined in the SEC taxonomy.

Example rule message

The filer has not used any of the common adjustments defined in the SEC taxonomy. The filer has used the following adjustment members: myMember1, someExtraPayMember.

Rule Element ID: 10183
Rule version: 24.0.0

Rule element ID index

The rule element id is used to identify unique elements or combinations of elements tested in the rule.

Rule Element ID Element
DQC.US.0188.10183 ecd:AllAdjToCompMember

View: as part of approved release v24.0.0 || public exposure version & comments.