Are you ready? New disclosure requirements from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) are right around the corner with quarterly forms required to be prepared in XBRL format as early as November and December of this year. XBRL US is the nonprofit standards organization that worked with the FERC to create the FERC XBRL Taxonomy that issuers will use to comply with these new disclosure requirements.
Join us for two informational sessions on February 16 and 18 for demonstrations from nine XBRL US members on how to use various applications to prepare FERC forms in XBRL. Attend these sessions to maximize your exposure to different providers, and get a solid understanding of how "XBRL preparation" will impact your reporting process. Find out:
- What are "typed dimensions" and "text blocks"? what are the mechanics of applying them?
- How will footnotes be handled with the new technology?
- How can you know how your filing will appear once it's rendered?
- What are validation (business) rules and how do they work in practice?
Sessions will feature demonstrations from organizations including Advanced Computer Innovations, Inc.; DataTracks; Iris Business Services, Inc.; Novaworks, LLC; P3 Data Systems; RDG Filings; Systrends; and Workiva, Inc.
Who should attend? FERC filers who prepare annual Forms 1, 2, 6, 60, and 714; and quarterly Forms 1-Q, 2-Q, 3-Q (electric), 3-Q (natural gas), 6-Q.