International investors with global portfolios are increasingly calling for reliable, consistently reported data from companies on climate and other ESG matters. Regulators and standard setters are turning to XBRL as the appropriate data standard to render ESG data fully machine-readable and searchable.
Attend this 60-minute session to learn about the benefits of ESG digitization and get the latest updates on US and global activities surrounding digital ESG. Explore findings from a case study on preparing ESG data in XBRL format featuring The Gap, Inc.
- Rohit Bansal, XBRL Subject Matter Expert, Iris Carbon
- Madhu Matthew, Director of Technology, Head of Data Science & Digital Solutions, IFRS Foundation
- Anand Padmanabhan, President, IRIS Business Services, LLC
- Michelle Savage, VP Communications, XBRL US
This event is free to attend, with an option to participate and earn 1 CPE for $49 ($39 XBRL US Members) – look for details in the registration confirmation.