Home Forums The XBRL API entity.ticker does not return any value

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    • #128890
      Tim Bui

      I use the code below to get some data. with entity.name I do get the company name, however, the entity.ticker does not return value. Would anyone please point me to the right direction? Thank you
      =CONCATENATE(A1&”/fact/search?entity.cik=”&TEXTJOIN(“,”,TRUE,Call!B22:B179)&”&fact.has-dimensions=false&fact.ultimus-index=1&concept.local-name=”&Call!G19&”&period.fiscal-period=”&Call!D1&”&period.fiscal-year=”&TEXTJOIN(“,”,TRUE,Call!A2:I2)&”&fields=entity.cik,period.fiscal-year,period.fiscal-period,concept.local-name,concept.id,fact.value,concept.balance-type, entity.name,entity.ticker”)

    • #129019
      David Tauriello

      entity.ticker is not available on the /fact endpoint (see XBRL API Documentation).

      You might be able to return this detail if you use /report/fact/search? instead of /fact/search? – note: this might ‘nest’ the results in Google Sheets and make that approach impractical. In that case, consider including dts.id or report.id as one of the fields in your initial query, then set up a second query to return entity.ticker as /report/search?dts.id=(INTEGERS,FROM,YOUR,QUERY)&fields=entity.ticker

    • #129754
      Tim Bui

      Thank you for your explanation, David.

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