Hi Juan, within the SEC Financial Statement Data Sets quarterly releases ( https://www.sec.gov/dera/data/financial-statement-data-sets.html), there is a text file named “sub”. Within it, each entity is given an sic code. You can use that sic code to match with the SEC provided sic list (https://www.sec.gov/info/edgar/siccodes.htm). Since the sic codes have 4 digits, you can further classify them by Division, Major Group, Industry Group and Industry by using the structure at this website https://siccode.com/
Hi Juan – in addition to the resources Tim provided, you can get the SIC code when you include report.sic-code in the fields you return for /fact and /report queries using the XBRL API. The attribute is searchable on the these endpoints.
Using the XBRL API with the Public Filings Database
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To use the XBRL API outside of Google Sheets, your account needs to be provisioned for OAuth2 access.