Home Forums The XBRL API Risk factors and other items from 10-Q&10-K filings

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    • #186473
      Arthur Olevskiy

      Hi David,

      How can I get data which is not in sec xml files such as risk factors, MD&A and other items with useful textual data?


    • #186478
      David Tauriello

      Arthur – we’re finalizing a member-only endpoint /document that can be used to search non-XBRL details in company filings. See https://xbrlus.github.io/xbrl-api for details on how to use this.

    • #187437
      Alice Chikara

      Hi David,

      Could you share a sample query for text search i.e. endpoint /document


    • #187600
      David Tauriello

      Alice – This may take a minute to run; it will return 10 reports where BDO, USA, LLP appears across multiple filings: /document/search?document.text-search=%22BDO,%20USA,%20LLP%22&fields=dts.id,document.limit(10),document.example,report.id,document.uri,document.id,report.filing-date.sort(DESC),entity.name

      Google Sheets is not the best tool for this – you should have a client ID/secret pair and use a tool like postman or insomnia (Google stops queries that take longer than 60 seconds).

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