Home Forums The XBRL API Getting details for statements and disclosures

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    • #192955
      Christian Yanes

      Hi, I am trying to recreate a specific section of a 10-Q report by calling the api. For instance lets say I want to get all the facts that make up the “Condensed Consolidation Balance Sheet” section on the 10-Q report. What api calls should I consume to get the comprehensive set of facts making up this section of the report. Also if there is better way to do this different than finding the set of facts first and then retrieving those facats I am also interested.
      Thanks for you help

    • #192977
      David Tauriello

      Hi Christian – thanks for writing; we posted Simple Statement and Disclosure template for Excel that uses /report /fact /relationship and /label queries to pull this information together.

      Take a look at the queries buried in hidden columns and rows A1:E4 of that .xlsx. In a nutshell:

      • /report (optional) – filing details like entity name, type of report and date filed (cell F7); you DO need a dts.id integer and can get this from this object
      • /fact – numerical value, year and period information for concepts in a specific part of the report
      • /relationship – filtered on the presentation linkbase* of the taxonomy, where the ‘face’ of the financials is stored
      • /label – the human readable value for taxonomy concepts that are associated with facts

      *remove this from the query to show facts from all linkbases (calculation, definition, label and presentation)

      IMPORTANT: an XBRL filing is made up of an instance document that contains all the facts, and a taxonomy that establishes the structures (linkbases) for those facts.

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