XBRL US, Inc. ("XBRL US") is pleased to allow its corporate/institutional members in good standing and/or those acknowledged to be affiliated with programs of the organization as applicable per agreement, unrestricted use of the terms to include XBRL US, Center for Data Quality, Data Quality Committee, Center for Data Quality Certified Software, as well as use of related graphics posted below in Schedule A, in connection with member or affiliated product and service offerings, and of XBRL specifications, taxonomies, schema, samples, and other documents and related software provided by XBRL International.
You may use these terms and marks to identify your relationship with XBRL US (e.g., "XYZ Corporation has been a Member of XBRL US since 2009.") or to identify and describe your company, product and service offerings, alone or in combination with your own trademarks or service marks (e.g., "Product XYZ is Center for Data Quality Certified Software for Release 4."). Any such use of XBRL as a trademark or service mark, however, is at your own risk.
In order to continue with its mission statement, XBRL International reserves the sole right to and ownership of the Mark XBRL - EXTENSIBLE BUSINESS REPORTING LANGUAGE & DESIGN (the "XBRL Logo").
You may use XBRL US logos ("Logo") to refer to products and services that implement XBRL US resources related to taxonomies in use in this jurisdiction, as well as XBRL specifications, taxonomies, schema, samples, and other documents and related software available at the web sites https://xbrl.us and https://www.xbrl.org, provided that you adhere to the guidelines below and those contained in the XBRL International Trademark Policy as warranted, which may be amended from time to time.
- Exclusive of the use of the Logo to acknowledge membership on its primary web site, companies and institutions should identify XBRL US as the owner of the Logo in a clearly visible manner on all product packaging and written promotional materials having an area larger than 6 square inches (including, but not limited to, brochures, pamphlets, literature and informational displays). For example, you should use the following attribution language: "The XBRL US Logo is a trademark or service mark of XBRL US, Inc., registered in the United States."
- You may not claim or assert any ownership rights in the Logo by using or registering it as a trademark, service mark, or "doing business as" name ("d/b/a"), alone or in combination with your own trademarks or services marks.
- You may use the Logo only in a way that accurately reflects the status associated with XBRL US and its programs, the XBRL specification, taxonomies, or schema implemented in your product or service offerings. See also XBRL International's XBRL Trademark: Guidelines for Use.
- You may only use the Logo in its exact format as provided on the xbrl.us website per the URLs listed in Schedule A. Please do not make any changes to any Logo, by altering the color, typography or proportions.
- Any representations that products or services implement features and operations of XBRL US and its programs or the XBRL specifications, taxonomies, and schema must clearly indicate that the representations are made by you, the licensee, and not by XBRL US.
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