FASB RFC on Proposed 2025 Data Quality Committee Rules Taxonomy (DQCRT)

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued the proposed 2025 Data Quality Committee Rules Taxonomy (DQCRT), which focuses on the XBRL US Data Quality Committee’s (DQC) validation rules for regulator use. The proposed 2025 DQCRT would add the following DQC Rules: DQC 0108: Fact Value Consistency Over Time DQC 0109: Concentration Risk DQC 0112: Line […more]

July 2024 Newsletter

July, 2024 Multiple FSOC Agencies Approve and Publish FDTA Rule Proposal. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Federal Reserve Board published the draft rule proposal on their websites. The FDIC was the first to publish the rule which was announced through a statement […more]

March 2024 Newsletter

April, 2024 XBRL US GovFin 2024: Municipal Reporting Workshop to take place in New York, NY, July 29-30, 2024. The 1 ½ day conference, hosted by PwC at 300 Madison Avenue, will address the implications of the Financial Data Transparency Act (FDTA) on municipal bond market stakeholders, from government bond issuers to portfolio managers and […more]

April 2024 Newsletter

April, 2024 XBRL US GovFin 2024: Municipal Reporting Workshop to take place in New York, NY, July 29-30, 2024. The 1 ½ day conference, hosted by PwC at 300 Madison Avenue, will address the implications of the Financial Data Transparency Act (FDTA) on municipal bond market stakeholders, from government bond issuers to portfolio managers and […more]


Academic Resources

The XBRL US Academic Subcommittee is sharing materials designed to provide an overview of standardized data, generate discussion about its benefits as a research tool and get deep in the data with case studies, tools and scripts for analyzing data submitted to US and European regulators.

February 2024 Newsletter

February, 2024 Climate disclosure rule on the agenda for SEC Open Meeting. On Wednesday, March 6, 2024, during the Securities and Exchange Commission Open Meeting, the Commission will consider the proposed rule, “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors“. The meeting will be webcast so be sure to check the SEC website on […more]

Good communication makes good neighbors.

By Christine Kuglin JD, LLM, CPA, Director – Truth in Accounting – Daniels College of Business, University of Denver For those of you who have ever used the online app, “NextDoor”, you probably know the benefits of keeping in touch with neighbors. The app, which is a subscriber-only network, offers up handy tips, lets residents post […more]

November, 2023 Newsletter

November 2023 XBRL US GovFin 2023 Conference session videos now available. Hear the discussions with regulators from the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Regulatory Commission, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; standards organizations including the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), and the Global LEI Foundation; and municipal reporting experts from Funkhouser & Associates, Tenbar […more]

September, 2023 Newsletter

September 2023 New speakers and sessions added to GovFin 2023: Empowering Governments, Modernizing Reporting, to be held in Washington, DC on November 9, 2023. Barnet Sherman, Founder, Senior Managing Partner, The Tenbar Group; Professor at Boston University; and Senior Contributor to Forbes.com, will share insights into the future of the municipal bond market and the […more]

August 2023 Newsletter

August 2023 Mark Funkhouser to Keynote GovFin 2023: Empowering Governments, Modernizing Reporting, to be held in Washington, DC on November 9, 2023. The former mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, and internationally recognized auditing and municipal finance expert, author, and teacher in public administration, will share his insights at GovFin 2023. In a recent article, Mark […more]