Home Forums The XBRL API Get recents fact values

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    • #192506
      Arthur Olevskiy

      Hi David,

      Thank you for your assistance here. It really helps to move forward in building the app.

      So, I came with question. How to get most recent fat value? I’m trying to use ultimus and ultimus-index, but sometimes I still getting not recent value of report facts.

      Here is my path to get fact values.
      1. Firstly, of all I’m collecting reports for specific CIK.
      2. Secondly, using report.id and api /api/v1/report/{report.id}/fact/search I’m collecting facts of report. Here is my query, I will skip fields part:
      10-Q https://api.xbrl.us/api/v1/report/333770/fact/search?fact.ultimus=true
      10-K https://api.xbrl.us/api/v1/report/323207/fact/search?fact.ultimus=true
      In these two examples I’m using ultimus, however I’m still getting not recent values and those values also has ultimus-index = 1

      Is there a better way to get recent fact values for specific report?
      How can I get fiscal year for report object, so I can compare report fiscal year and fact fiscal year)

      Thanks in advance for all answers.

    • #197963
      David Tauriello

      Hi Arthur – first, apologies for the delay in responding – this post was flagged in our system (probably because it includes ‘https://’

      The fact.ultimus parameter is used on the /fact endpoint. When you specify a /report, you will return all facts in the report without regard to fact.ultimus.

      Use your /report query to return the dts.id value for the report, then use a separate /fact query to show fact.ultimus-index detail.


      In the query above, IntangibleAssetsNetExcludingGoodwill for the year 2020 was reported several more times:


      Let me know if you have additional questions about this.

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