Hi Tim – apologies for the delay; I’m not 100% familiar with the excel, so I wanted to get some details from FASB before responding. The first 5 tabs should be self explanatory; these are the elements and linkbases for the taxonomy. After that –
TIN Ref – Taxonomy implementation notes
CN Ref – Change notes is a list of changes for labels, definitions, depreciations and additions to the taxonomy
Extensible Lists – An element type for associating additional information with a fact that is not disaggregating an item into its components.
DTS – Comprehensive system-related details for the taxonomy’s discoverable taxonomy set
Parts – A list of the parts along with their type (format) in the reference linkbase for References
Other Element Decls – a list of typed dimensions. The current US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy has one typed dimension.
Linkbase Summary –
Other Global Definitions – a list of the data types used in the Taxonomy.