Home Forums The XBRL API How to identify which concept a value belongs to

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    • #192713
      Effahid Vizrain

      I’m trying to rebuild various financial reports using filed xbrl and ixbrl files and struggling with duplicate concepts.

      (Apologies, while this strictly isn’t related to us xbrl, the intention behind this exercise is to allow US XBRL/IXBRL files to be parsed ultimately)

      In the screenshot below, Called up share capital, retained earnings and shareholders’ funds are all tagged as “Equity”. While I can visually identify which values belong to which concept, I need to be able to tell programmatically which values belong to which concept. For example, being able to categorise 795,500 as Called Up Share Capital when the concept used is “Equity”.

      The ns6 namespace for each concept has this value btw

      Any pointers highly appreciated

    • #197978
      David Tauriello

      Hi Effahid – thanks for writing and apologies for the delay in responding. The URL you posted for the screenshot didn’t have an image.

      From your description, it sounds like ‘called up’, ‘retained earnings’ and ‘shareholders’ funds’ are reported as dimensions of equity. If you look at the iXBRL, you might see a contextref attribute that is common to these elements, and element names that are unique.

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