Total beginner. Was wondering if the API has its own query processor, or is it built on something like SPARQ? Any references to the engineering design philosophy / history of the API query processor, and/or general documentation of the query portion of the API very much appreciated.
Example query 1 – I send in a comma separated list of 10 tickers (all pre-selected, each within a single industry) and a year of interest. It returns SALES for EACH ticker for that specified year.
Example query 2 – I send in a single ticker – system “looks up” the INDUSTRY CODE for that ticker, searches all firms with that industry code, sorts on sales, returns the top 10 (or less, if fewer than 10 companies found with that industry code). Returns: COMPANY NAME, TICKER, SALES for the results set.
Example query 3 – same as #1 above, but for each of the 10 tickers, return sales for the past 20-40 quarters, with each column aligned so it’s for (roughly) the same three month period.
Are queries like the above even possible? If possible are they experimental or burdensome on the API/query processor (or back end database) at this point?
Are there “got ya’s” to be sure the data returned is correctly date aligned? (Some year ends / quarter ends differ across different companies.)
I’m very new and have not yet had the chance to tour the full existing documentation set or plumb this forum. I apologize if this is all super easy to find. I find any design philosophy / history type material the very best place to start. Links to actual examples of that class of queries (above, multiple company data returned in one go) most appreciated too.
Thanks in advance.
Investment Manager looking at industries and sector fundamental data