
Contractor Financials Taxonomy Legal Notice

Notice Authorized Uses of this Document Copyright © 2019 XBRL US, Inc. All Rights Reserved The Contractor Taxonomy may be used by the public, royalty-free and may be incorporated without change in other works that comment on, explain, or assist in the use or implementation of the XBRL US Contractor Taxonomy. To that end, this […more]

January/February 2019 Newsletter

January/February 2019 Legislative and Regulatory News Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Publishes Proposal to Require XBRL for Utilities Reporting Open Government Data Act Passed GREAT Act Passes the U.S. House of Representatives Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Issues RFP for XBRL Solution XBRL US News SEC Comment Letter on Proposed Collection of Interactive Data XBRL US Publishes […more]

FASB IN FOCUS: 2019 and SEC Reporting Taxonomy Improvements and SEC Update

1PM EDT Thursday, April 4, 2019
FASB Webinar hosted by FASB
Register for this Free Event

Topics of discussion will include: An update from the SEC staff Discussion of the application of the Taxonomy for Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs) that are effective this year: Leases Share-Based Compensation Improvements to the 2019 Taxonomy for: New ASUs Revenue Implementation Guides including an Inline XBRL version for select guides. Speakers: Louis Matherne, FASB Chief […more]

XBRL US Comment Letter RE: FERC Proposed XBRL Requirement

XBRL US has submitted a comment letter responding to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) proposal to require the use of XBRL for reporting Commission Form Nos. 1, 1-F, 2, 2-A, 3-Q electric, 3-Q natural gas, 6, 6-Q, 60, and 714 for utilities. The Commission proposal sought input first, on whether the XBRL standard should be […more]

Inline XBRL Deep Dive: Exploring Workflow Changes for Filers and Vendors

3:00 PM EDT Wednesday, April 3, 2019
XBRL US Webinar
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Attend this one-hour session for a step by step review of the workflow changes for SEC filers and vendors who help them prepare their XBRL financials. Get a detailed comparison of the current conventional XBRL process compared to the inline XBRL process.

Inline XBRL Deep Dive: Navigating the Instance Document

3:00 PM EDT Wednesday, May 1, 2019
XBRL US Webinar
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Attend this session for an in-depth review of the Inline XBRL instance document and hear best practices on how to successfully manage the differences between conventional and Inline instances.

30,000 Foot View of Inline XBRL: What’s New, What’s Not

3:00 PM EDT Wednesday, March 13, 2019
XBRL US Webinar
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Attend this session for a 30,000 foot view of what Inline XBRL may or may not change in the preparer’s workflow, in the XBRL content (instance and taxonomy), and the review of the filing. Learn about the challenges with Inline XBRL and what preparers, XBRL consultants, and software providers should be watching out for. Find […more]

How Structured (XBRL) Data is Used Today

12:30 PM EDT Wednesday, February 27, 2019
XBRL US Webinar
Register for FREE Webinar

Attend this one-hour session to learn how structured (XBRL) is being used today by regulators, investment professionals, research analysts and others.

XBRL US Publishes CAFR Demonstration Taxonomy for State and Local Government Reporting

Government representatives, investors, analysts, and software providers invited to review XBRL US announced today that it has published a Demonstration Release Taxonomy representing selected portions of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) used by state and local governments to report financial data. The taxonomy was developed by the XBRL US State and Local Government Disclosure […more]

DQC XBRL Rule Review: 7th Approved Ruleset and 8th Proposed Ruleset

3:00 PM EDT Wednesday, January 16, 2019
XBRL US Webinar
Watch / listen to replay

Attend this one-hour session to learn about the 7th Approved Ruleset for US GAAP filers and the 8th Proposed Ruleset for IFRS filers, how to implement them, and how you can weigh in on final standards that are set.