NASBP Pipeline Article: Is Manual Data Entry Dead?

The gruesome (and grueling) days of painful re-keying of data may be coming to an end. Could data standards be the magic bullet? The National Association of Surety Bond Producers (NASBP) has been touting the value of financial data standards for several years now. Why data standards? Because they are a proven tool to eliminate […more]


About Contributing Resources

Standards for Submissions The specifications outlined below are based on the BScompare tab of the XBRL Spreadsheet linked at right. Basic components: Explanation to include the general purpose and expected results of spreadsheet Definition of variables user can modify, including a few examples Indication of API call(s) containing cross-referenced cells used in subsequent API calls […more]

July/August 2018 Newsletter

July/August 2018 Regulatory and Legislative News SEC EDGAR Upgraded to Release 18.2, Now Supports IFRS Taxonomy XBRL US News XBRL US Data Quality Committee Announces the Public Review of the 7th Ruleset XBRL US State & Local Govt Working Group Sends Letter to SEC Investor Advisory Committee AICPA Study Demonstrates that XBRL Costs Declined 45% […more]

Inline XBRL and Data Quality

3:00 PM EDT Wednesday, October 17, 2018
XBRL US Webinar
Watch / listen to replay

Attend this one-hour session to learn how Inline XBRL can be leveraged to improve the quality of data reported by SEC filers.

DQC 7th RuleSet and Guidance on RevRec and Pension Tagging

3:00 PM EDT Wednesday, August 29, 2018
XBRL US Webinar
Watch/listen to replay

Attend this one-hour session to learn about 12 new Data Quality Committee rules and 2 guidance documents, how to implement them, and how you can weigh in on final standards that are set.

XBRL US Forms State and Local Government Disclosure Modernization Working Group

XBRL US State and Local Disclosure Modernization Working Group formed to use standards to improve government financial transparency, enhance the efficiency of the municipal bond market, and aid efforts to streamline regulatory reporting, including grant reporting.

2018 IFRS Taxonomy

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy is the global standard issued by the IFRS Foundation to mark up electronic IFRS financial statements. By providing the IFRS Taxonomy, the International Accounting Standards Board can ensure that the taxonomy used is an accurate representation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards). Browse IFRS Taxonomy resources || Viewer (full […more]


Government Reporting Information Package (GRIP) Taxonomy Legal Notice

Notice Authorized Uses of this Document Copyright © 2018-present XBRL US, Inc. All Rights Reserved The Government Reporting Information Package (GRIP) Taxonomy and its components, including the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) Taxonomy may be used by the public, royalty-free and may be incorporated without change in other works that comment on, explain, or assist […more]

March/April 2018 Newsletter

March/April 2018 Regulatory and Legislative News Google’s BigQuery Now Hosting SEC Data SEC Proposal on Investment Company Liquidity Measures Out for Public Comment SEC Posts FAQ on the IFRS Notice SEC Updates Interactive Data Test Suite SEC Supports the 2018 XBRL Taxonomies XBRL US News XBRL US Domain Steering Committee Closes Public Review for Draft […more]

Altova’s MobileTogether Continues to Redefine Mobile Development in Version 2.0

Today Altova® ( announced new features in the 2.0 release of MobileTogether, its paradigm shifting mobile development framework for multi-platform, data-centric apps. What’s revolutionary about MobileTogether? Using your in-house developers with no mobile development experience necessary, you can create sophisticated, native apps for all platforms in record time: anywhere from a couple days to a […more]