The XBRL US Database contains 10+ years of as-reported data from public companies reporting to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and utilities reporting to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). All data is continuously updated directly from the regulator. XBRL data from other reporting domains will be added soon.
Power User, Sole Practitioner and all Organizational XBRL US Members* can use this resource with:
- the XBRL API in any programming language or with free tools and templates,
- direct access with SQL (also available here)
- or with snapshots posted to a qualified AWS account.
This Postgres resource mirrors the structure of the XBRL Standard so that an XBRL instance document and associated schema can be loaded and stored. This structure makes it very flexible for use in any XBRL data collection environment. We've also added a SQL option to our XBRL Filed Data spreadsheet extensions for Excel and Google Sheet that will generate a query that can be executed against the Public Filings Database.
Reported data, full XBRL reports (instances), and associated schema are recorded in the database, along with document name, filing date, and submission-related data (such as whether it's a restatement). Data reported in any XBRL format (iXBRL, JSON, CSV or XML) can be stored in the database. Additional metadata is included to streamline and improve the efficiency of your own data management.
*Power Users and the primary contact of any organizational member can get credentials for SQL access.
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