XBRL US member volunteers are the driving force helping to set the strategic direction of the organization. All members have the opportunity to join one of the primary steering committees. Each steering committee may also establish working groups for a specific activity.

Communications Steering Committee (CSC)

With a mission of facilitating the adoption and widespread use of XBRL by the business reporting supply chain, the CSC engages members, government and the public at large to increase the awareness of the benefits of using XBRL data and build community among a diverse audience.

The CSC meets the third Tuesday of the month at 3 PM ET. Send a note to membership@xbrl.us to learn more & participate in upcoming meetings.

Members include:

Data Quality Committee (DQC)

The Data Quality Committee includes representatives from data aggregators, institutional investors, the accounting profession and academia. The DQC's activities include:

  • Obtaining input through public exposure of proposed guidance and validation rules for a forty-five day period and incorporating the input, as appropriate, in the final approved guidance and validation rules.
  • Reviewing and approving unambiguous guidance on how to tag financial data with freely available, automated validation rules to verify compliance with its guidance and to prevent or detect tagging errors.
  • Providing progress updates to SEC staff and input to FASB staff to aid in simplifying and improving the US GAAP Taxonomy.

The Members of the Data Quality Committee are:

Shelly Wavrin, Toppan Merrill (Chair)

Bryan Bracey, CIGNA

Adrien Cloutier, Morningstar, Inc.

Campbell Pryde, XBRL US, Inc

Charles Kessler, S&P Global Market Intelligence

Gladimyr Sully, FactSet

Jennifer Liu, Bloomberg

Pranav Ghai, Calcbench

Permanent Observers

Vivek Baid and Kenny Ng, IASB

Louis Matherne, FASB

Domain Steering Committee (DSC)

With a mission to support technology and development efforts of XBRL US necessary to meet the business reporting needs of key markets in the United States, the DSC approves taxonomy development work, performs quality control by setting standards for the taxonomy development process and standards program implementations, and provides feedback to working groups.

The DSC meets the third Tuesday of every month at 2 PM ET. Send a note to membership@xbrl.us to learn more & participate in upcoming meetings.


Current Members:
