Below is a sample of tools and services from XBRL US Members. Click the title of the tool or service to read details contributed by our members.

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FERCxbrl™ prepares FERC forms 1/2/3-Q/6/60/714 filings in the new XBRL/iXBRL format on a Windows PC. At a basic level, it presents familiar FERC forms into which you enter information. You can also copy/paste into these forms (including bulk copy/paste) from your existing spreadsheets or data bases. The forms are pretagged and require no XBRL expertise. […more]

browse products & services with similar features: Advanced Computer InnovationsToolFor FERC Filersweb-based traininginline XBRLversion controllocal rule checkingform-basedonline collaborationdata importautomated submission


SEC Filer Membership

An SEC Filer Membership in XBRL US gives your team tools and training to improve data quality, news about new developments that affect your day-to-day reporting process, a growing network of peers and experts and more.

browse products & services with similar features: Producttaxonomy validationFor EDGAR Filerstaxonomy comparisonfinancial information analysisXBRL US


Toppan Merrill Services

Financial disclosure is a complex, ongoing process requiring flexibility, accuracy and security at every stage of the disclosure process. For over 40 years, Toppan Merrill has been the trusted resource to organizations worldwide who require mission-critical disclosure solutions and on-demand access to unmatched subject matter expertise. Our proprietary products and services leverage end to-end technology, […more]

browse products & services with similar features: taxonomy/extension creationconsultingtaxonomy validationtraining classesinstance creationFor EDGAR Filersinstance renderingfiling preparationtaxonomy comparisonToppan Merrill
