Dive into Debt Securities – Illustrations of the FASB Implementation Guide

3:00 PM ET Wednesday, July 20, 2022
XBRL US Webinar
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Dive into how best to prepare reports featuring debt securities. This webinar and supporting guidance is designed by the XBRL US Data Quality Committee (DQC) as a companion to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) implementation guide on “Financial Instruments – Debt Securities”

Get Ready for SEC Fee Based Filing Payments Modernization

2:00 PM ET Thursday, July 11, 2024
XBRL US Webinar
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Compliance requirements for investment management companies related to the new Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) final rule will start early next year. Variable annuities and life insurance companies will be preparing their disclosures in XBRL format for the very first time. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from XBRL experts with years of experience working with investment management companies.

ACFR Taxonomy 2022

This version of the ACFR Taxonomy was open for comment between July 15 and August 15, 2022. The published version of the ACFR is part of the Government Reporting Information Package (GRIP)

XBRL Case Study: Are Big Companies Paying their Fair Share?

By Christine Cheng*, Assistant Professor, Patterson School of Accountancy at University of Mississippi; and Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US Resources Teaching Case (PDF) Data script (Python) XBRL API provisioning Academic Member Benefits Controversial questions require the right dataset. Case studies are often the best tool for students to learn how to untangle the […more]

May 2022 Newsletter

May, 2022 With Memorial Day behind us, the start of Summer is right around the corner (officially June 21). Time for barbecues, picnics, heading to the beach… And this year, more rule proposals and final implementations with structured data requirements from the SEC! Two new SEC proposals focused on investment management filers were published in […more]

April 2022 Newsletter

April, 2022 The XBRL US ESG Working Group announces publication of machine-readable corporate sustainability data. The working group, which is responsible for the paper, Supporting ESG Data with Standards, worked closely with Etsy, the company that operates two-sided online marketplaces matching millions of buyers and sellers around the world, and with Moody’s Corporation, the parent […more]

March 2022 Newsletter

March, 2022 Environmental issues remain in the headlines! The SEC has published their long-awaited rule proposal on climate, Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures, and conducted a special hearing to discuss and vote. The proposal, which passed by a vote of 3-1, establishes requirements for domestic and foreign registrants to disclose certain climate-related information in […more]

Supporting ESG Data with Standards

Executive Summary Data used for investment decisions, policy-setting and risk assessment should be made available in non-proprietary machine-readable formats. Current best practices for disclosures as machine-readable data have improved quality, reduced the cost of processing, and improved timeliness and usability of reported data. Prepared by: XBRL US ESG Working Group chaired by: Anna Kwok, Vice […more]

XBRL US Comments on SEC Proposal, Share Repurchase Disclosure Modernization

XBRL US submitted a comment letter in response to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)  proposal on Share Repurchase Disclosure Modernization which aims to provide more detailed, frequent information to help investors better understand issuer’s market activity, motivation for share repurchase, and execution of the plan itself; and to give investors insights into a potential […more]

US Mutual Fund Risk/Return Taxonomy, 2022

XBRL was mandated for mutual fund Risk/Return Summary reporting by the SEC. Details for the 2022 release of the Mutual Fund Taxonomy can be found here.