Below is a sample of tools and services from XBRL US Members. Click the title of the tool or service to read details contributed by our members.
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Certent Disclosure Management is a comprehensive web-delivered solution that provides greater control over your financial documents and eliminates manual processes. Certent simplifies financial reporting compliance with the SEC in both XBRL and HTML formats with one-click filing, and financial connectors to pull information directly from your ERP or GL system.
browse products & services with similar features: Center for Data Quality Certified • Product • taxonomy/extension creation • taxonomy validation • instance creation • For EDGAR Filers • instance rendering • data management • taxonomy comparison • data reporting • financial information analysis • Certent
The XBRL API (Application Program Interface) is a set of endpoints developed to help data users access timely, highly granular, structured XBRL data. This standardized API allows developers and data utilities, with limited XBRL knowledge, to learn a single interface to access data from any database that contains XBRL data. The XBRL API is a […more]
browse products & services with similar features: US SEC • Analyst • external reporting • Issuer • Developer • data reporting • financial information analysis • data analysis • XBRL API • XBRL US
We provide FERC filing agent services to prepare, validate and submit FERC forms 1/2/3-Q/6/60/714 filings in the new XBRL/iXBRL format. We work from data in whatever form you can provide, and take care of all XBRL tagging and other XBRL/iXBRL requirements. Prior to submission, we provide you printable proofs of the filing, various reports, and […more]
browse products & services with similar features: Advanced Computer Innovations • consulting • Service • training classes • filing preparation • For FERC Filers • XBRL review • inline XBRL • version control
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