Below is a sample of tools and services from XBRL US Members. Click the title of the tool or service to read details contributed by our members.
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Calcbench has harnessed the XBRL data standard to collect rich and detailed information on every filer with the SEC. The Calcbench platform is a faster, smarter, better, more versatile, and more accurate way for you to do your job. Calcbench tracks all types of corporate disclosures—10-Q, 10-K, 8-K, earnings releases, proxy statements — whether they are displayed […more]
browse products & services with similar features: Calcbench • financial information analysis • data analysis
Certent Disclosure Management is a comprehensive web-delivered solution that provides greater control over your financial documents and eliminates manual processes. Certent simplifies financial reporting compliance with the SEC in both XBRL and HTML formats with one-click filing, and financial connectors to pull information directly from your ERP or GL system.
browse products & services with similar features: taxonomy/extension creation • Center for Data Quality Certified • Product • taxonomy validation • instance creation • For EDGAR Filers • instance rendering • data management • taxonomy comparison • data reporting • financial information analysis • Certent
As a leader in producing software solutions for XBRL formatted filings, Novaworks presents XBRLworks, a cloud-based system that fully supports the FERC XBRL mandate. XBRLworks features a streamlined HTML interface that produces well-structured, compliant XBRL behind the scenes as users interact with intuitive forms and collaboration tools.
browse products & services with similar features: Tool • For FERC Filers • web-based training • 24/7 technical support • Novaworks, LLC • version control • local rule checking • form-based • online collaboration • data import
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