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The Regular Director Nominees profiled below who are elected by XBRL US Organizational Members are expected to join the following Founding Member Directors as part of the XBRL US Board of Directors: Ami Beers - CPA, CGMA, Senior Director, Assurance and Advisory Innovation, AICPA; Jeffrey Naumann - Managing Director, Deloitte; Lauren Alexander - Partner, National Professional Practice Group, Ernst & Young, LLP; Landon Westerlund - Partner, Audit, KPMG; and Kathleen K. Healy - Managing Director, Assurance, PwC. The Founding Member Directors also voted Barry Melancon as a Director for 2025.

About the 2025 Regular Director Nominees

Al Berkeley
Princeton Capital

Al is Chairman of Princeton Capital Management. Formerly, Berkeley was chairman of the board of Pipeline Financial Group, Inc. the parent of Pipeline Trading Systems LLC. Previously, Al served as President of NASDAQ from 1996 until 2000 and vice-chair from July 2000 through July 2003. Before NASDAQ, Berkeley was a General Partner and then a managing director of Alex. Brown & Sons, an investment bank.

He is a past Chairman of XBRL US and former director of XBRL International. Al was a Captain in the 438th Military Airlift Wing of the United States Air Force from 1968 to 1972. He earned a BA from the University of Virginia and an MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Alexander Falk
President & CEO
Altova, Inc.

Alexander founded Altova in 1992 in Vienna, Austria; member of the W3C XML Schema working group that defined the XML Schema 1.0 specs; member of the W3C Advisory Committee; co-creator of the popular Altova XMLSpy XML Editor; established US subsidiary Altova, Inc. in 2001 and relocated to the USA; President & CEO of Altova. Spearheaded Altova's efforts to create an ultra-high performance XBRL server and processing engine called Raptor.

Always interested in new technologies and creating new developer products that improve the software development cycle. As an entrepreneur and investor my focus is clearly on software, drones, IoT, AI, and all XML- and XBRL-related technologies.

For further information, please see:

Cathy H. Conlon
Senior Vice President,
General Manager-Disclosure

Broadridge Financial
Solutions, Inc.

Cathy is the head of the Disclosure Solutions business at Broadridge, an S&P 500 FinTech company that powers the Capital Markets through technology and shareholder communications services. In her role, Cathy oversees the company’s Financial Print and Disclosure products, focusing on building and executing the strategy to drive growth, scaling business operations and enhancing the customer experience. Prior to this role, Cathy was VP and head of Product and Strategy for Broadridge’s Corporate Issuer business where she lead the strategy that tripled the revenue and EBITA of the business, oversaw the execution of acquisitions and partnerships, managed the corporate issuer product portfolio, and drove product innovation efforts which expanded Broadridge’s governance suite of services into products such as Virtual Shareholder Meetings, ESG, and digital solutions to help public companies connect with their retail shareholders. During her tenure at Broadridge, Cathy gained roles of increasing seniority, with leadership and expertise in Business Development, New Product Development, Strategy Formation and Execution. Cathy sits on the Broadridge Client Success Council and represents Broadridge on the Proxy Steering Committee and has represented Broadridge on the SEC End to End Committee.

Marc Joffe
Center for
Municipal Finance

Marc Joffe is the Founder of the Center for Municipal Finance, a non-profit dedicated to increasing the transparency and efficiency of government bond markets so they save taxpayer money, increase the affordability of new public infrastructure and provide effective interest rate signals to policymakers and voters. Marc is a federalism and state policy analyst at Cato Institute. He has also worked as a Senior Policy Analyst at the Reason Foundation, and was a senior director at Moody’s Analytics. Prior to joining Moody’s, he held management and consulting positions at several money center banks in New York and London.

Marc is a regular contributor to The Orange County Register and his op-eds have also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Fiscal Times, Governing, National Review, The Hill, and The San Jose Mercury News.

He has an MBA from New York University and an MPA from San Francisco State University.

Joffe's research focuses on municipal finances, alternative asset investments, transportation policy and federal, state and local fiscal policy. His financial research has been published by the California State Treasurer’s Office, UC Berkeley, the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, California Policy Center, and the Macdonald-Laurier Institute among others.

Marc is a regular contributor to The Orange County Register and his op-eds have also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Fiscal Times, Governing, National Review, The Hill, and The San Jose Mercury News. He has an MBA from New York University and an MPA from San Francisco State University.

Mike Schlanger
Senior Vice President,
Solution Sales

Toppan Merrill

Mike Schlanger is a business leader who focuses on developing transaction and compliance solutions to support private and public company compliance with SEC regulatory requirements. Mike leads a team of experts that guide the development and sale of Toppan Merrill’s SEC compliance offerings, including its Annual Meeting and Proxy Solution program, Bridge periodic report SaaS platform, IPO and, ESG and SPAC initiative and XBRL service offerings.

Mike has been a Board member since 2009 and serves as an Advisor to idaciti, Inc.

During his forty-year career, he has been in the forefront crafting SEC filing solutions and educating public company professionals and their advisors of every major SEC initiative impacting how public companies prepare and file documents with the SEC. This includes extensive work over many years addressing the SEC initiatives specifically tied to EDGAR, the internet, proxy disclosures and XBRL.

He is a frequent speaker at law firms, financial industry conferences and professional associations on topics related to SEC regulatory initiatives. Additionally, he has had the opportunity to meet professionals responsible for SEC filings at well over 2,000 public companies during the last five years to discuss best practices for managing ever-changing SEC requirements.

Pranav Ghai
CEO & Co-Founder

Pranav is the co-founder and CEO. He manages the day-to-day activities of Calcbench. Pranav has a background in Applied Mathematics. He brings more than two decades experience as an analyst at TIAA and ITG and at Calcbench. In addition, Pranav was a vice president for ModelWare and Quantitative & Derivative Strategies at Morgan Stanley. He is a Board Member of XBRL U.S. and is a member of the CFA Institute’s Corporate Disclosure Policy Council (“CDPC”) which addresses issues affecting the quality of financial reporting and disclosure worldwide.

Pranav holds a B.S. from Bates College and was named to the school's Board of Trustees in May of 2023. He also earned an M.S. from New York University.








