Release Version | Rule element ID | namespace | Axis Name | Label | Members defined in standard taxonomy |
Members on additional UGT axes |
Additional UGT members | Extensions Allowed |
Extensions allowed |
3.0 | 75 | us-gaap | StatementEquityComponentsAxis | Equity Components [Axis] | Yes | WarrantsNotSettleableInCashMember, ContingentConsiderationClassifiedAsEquityMember, EquityIssuedInBusinessCombinationMember, TrustForBenefitOfEmployeesMember | Yes | ||
3.0 | 76 | us-gaap | StatementScenarioAxis | Scenario [Axis] | Yes | Yes | |||
3.0 | 61 | us-gaap | RangeAxis | Range [Axis] | Yes | No |
Note 5 – Allowable US-GAAP Members on the StatementEquityComponentsAxis | |||
Element Name | Label | Namespace | Documentation |
WarrantsNotSettleableInCashMember | Warrants Not Settleable in Cash [Member] | us-gaap | Warrants not settleable in cash that are classified in shareholders’ equity. |
ContingentConsiderationClassifiedAsEquityMember | Contingent Consideration Classified as Equity [Member] | us-gaap | Contingent consideration in a business combination that is classified in shareholders’ equity. |
EquityIssuedInBusinessCombinationMember | Equity Issued in Business Combination [Member] | us-gaap | Equity issued by an entity in a business combination that is classified in shareholders’ equity. |
TrustForBenefitOfEmployeesMember | Trust for Benefit of Employees [Member] | us-gaap | Trust created by the entity that exists for the benefit of its employees, such as pension and profit-sharing trusts that are managed by or under the trusteeship of the entity’s management. |
View: as part of public exposure version v3.0.0.RC3 || Return to summary page.