Rule ID: DQC_0001 List of Axes V3 for US GAAP - this public exposure version was available for comment until December 13, 2016.
View: as part of public exposure version v3.0.0.RC3 || Return to summary page.

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Release Version Rule element ID namespace Axis Name Label Members defined in
standard taxonomy
Members on additional
UGT axes
Additional UGT members Extensions
Extensions allowed
3.0 75 us-gaap StatementEquityComponentsAxis Equity Components [Axis] Yes WarrantsNotSettleableInCashMember, ContingentConsiderationClassifiedAsEquityMember, EquityIssuedInBusinessCombinationMember, TrustForBenefitOfEmployeesMember Yes
3.0 76 us-gaap StatementScenarioAxis Scenario [Axis] Yes Yes
3.0 61 us-gaap RangeAxis Range [Axis] Yes No
Note 5 – Allowable US-GAAP Members on the StatementEquityComponentsAxis
Element Name Label Namespace Documentation
WarrantsNotSettleableInCashMember Warrants Not Settleable in Cash [Member] us-gaap Warrants not settleable in cash that are classified in shareholders’ equity.
ContingentConsiderationClassifiedAsEquityMember Contingent Consideration Classified as Equity [Member] us-gaap Contingent consideration in a business combination that is classified in shareholders’ equity.
EquityIssuedInBusinessCombinationMember Equity Issued in Business Combination [Member] us-gaap Equity issued by an entity in a business combination that is classified in shareholders’ equity.
TrustForBenefitOfEmployeesMember Trust for Benefit of Employees [Member] us-gaap Trust created by the entity that exists for the benefit of its employees, such as pension and profit-sharing trusts that are managed by or under the trusteeship of the entity’s management.

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