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  • in reply to: Getting started with the XBRL Google Sheet and add-on #199018
    Chris Martinez

    Hi David,
    I amended the Sample Google sheet that displayed Total Assets for Apple over a number of years. Specifically, I removed Total Assets and introduced Current Assets – it worked.
    Then I introduced both Total Assets and Current Assets – but I was not successful. The formula is set out below.,assetsCurrent&fact.has-dimensions=false&fact.ultimus=true&period.fiscal-period=Y&,fact.value,fact.decimal,unit,report.filing-date.sort(DESC),concept.local-name,period.fiscal-year,

    Any comments would be appreciated.


    in reply to: Getting started with the XBRL Google Sheet and add-on #199047
    David Tauriello

    Hi Chris – thanks for writing; assetsTotal is not a US GAAP taxonomy concept and is not an Apple extension.

    If you open the latest Simple Statement and Disclosure template posted on the XBRL Data Community this month, and load up an Apple report, you can see the element in column N (taxonomy concept). Apple – like most companies filing with the US GAAP taxonomy – uses the US GAAP concept Assets. to report this number on its balance sheet.

    Apple balance sheets

    Also, on the fact wizard in the XBRL Filed Data extension you can browse elements. If you enter ‘Assets’ and scroll the list, You’ll find the corresponding element; Apple has chosen to create a preferred label called “Total assets”.

    in reply to: Getting started with the XBRL Google Sheet and add-on #199062
    Chris Martinez

    Thanks David

    in reply to: FERC Data #200379
    Dorin IACOB

    Hi David,

    Do you have an update on the FERC database? Trying the FERC API on gives a “failed to fetch” Auth Error. Also, is data from the Form №714 available, too?


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Dorin IACOB. Reason: changed data to database
    in reply to: FERC Data #200412
    Dorin IACOB

    I think the reason for my authentication failure stems from the fact that the GitHub code is running on the server. However, using xBRL US’ domain in the R code from the XBRL Data Community presents no such problems and responds to queries for data. This answers my questions.


    in reply to: FERC Data #200557
    Patrick Baryenbruch

    Hi David,

    I am unable to retrieve data using the simple-statement-disclosure template. Here are the steps I took:

    1.Successfully logged in.
    2.Selected “fact” as the function
    3.Selected an entity and its form 60 (e.g., 464990)
    4.Put that number in cell J3 of the template and selected a schedule from the pull down menu in cell N3 (e.g., 017 – Schedule – Analysis of Billing – Associated Cos.)
    5.Hit Query Worksheet
    6.No data appears and the error message says “ERROR: Change N3 value or reload the XBRL Filed Data task pane”

    On another matter, 2021 Form 1 and Form 60 files are available on FERC’s website in the XBRL (and HTML) format. Is there a way to simply read these files into the template to make the process easier? Perhaps Arelle can do this. I do not need the absolutely latest/updated version of the Forms–I just need to get the data at a point in time.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: FERC Data #200559
    David Tauriello

    Hi Patrick –

    Please make sure you’ve un-checked the ‘Show all SEC Statements’ checkbox on the template – this is just below the N3 dropdown. This template is optimized for the extensibility of SEC filings – it will not show an entire Form 1.

    I sent you a separate (simpler) template yesterday afternoon for Form 1 Balance Sheet. It can be updated to pull entire reports if that’s needed – let me know.

    uncheck 'show all SEC statements' for FERC reports

    in reply to: FERC Data #200560
    Patrick Baryenbruch


    Just figured out the issue described in my previous post. I needed to uncheck the box for “Show All SEC Statements”. The template then returned data. Unfortunately, the data is not the complete values for some schedules. For instance, 017 – Schedule- Analysis of Billing – Assoc Cos. is supposed to show charges by the Form 60 service company to each affiliate legal entity. The data that is returned is only the total without a breakout by affiliate.

    Any thoughts on this issue? Thank you.

    in reply to: FERC Data #200562
    Patrick Baryenbruch


    Thank you for BS template–I did not notice it in your previous email. This is a useful format. I need data from a few Form 1 and Form 60 schedules for a single year. Your template seems to just pull the BS. Is there a way to expand the template so specific Form 1 and Form 60 schedules can be selected?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: FERC Data #200563
    Patrick Baryenbruch


    I see the query is built by populating the Fields to Return box. If you have a definition of the elements that can be selected for the query, I think I can build my own templates. Would you send me the definitions if you have them?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: FERC Data #200564
    David Tauriello

    Hi Patrick – please check your email.

    in reply to: Getting started with the XBRL Filed Data Add-in for Excel #200771
    Magy Avedissian

    Hi David,

    I seem to be having issues logging into the extension through Excel. I have tried generating a key in incognito mode and have made sure I am not logging in through the “Sign in through Google” option. Any advice?


    in reply to: Getting started with the XBRL Filed Data Add-in for Excel #200777
    David Tauriello

    Hi Magy – you need to use Office 365 Excel and have all four pieces of information when you login to the add-in (XBRL US Web account email, password, client ID and secret). When you click the login button on the add-in task pane, a window should appear over the top of the spreadsheet (if you’re on the web, it may be below your browser window).

    If you’re opening one of our templates from the web with Office live, you’ll first need to make a copy of it to your account (they are read-only).

    Otherwise, please let me know what specific error you’re getting, and what version of Excel you’re using. Also please note if you’re on desktop or web version of Excel.


    in reply to: The XBRL API #200814
    David Tauriello

    From a user:

    I frequently get “Bad or expired Token” even when the code worked moments ago. I am working in Excel. Usually when this happens, it seems to affect other cells as well.

    Short of closing and re-opening Excel, is there anything I can do to re-establish the add-in connection?

    There may be many causes for this – momentary network disconnects or abandoning a query before it completes (revising it while the initial query is still processing) are common causes.

    Excel has a reload option built into the task pane that should get you reconnected without closing and re-opening the application.

    To use this option, click in an empty spot on the task pane, then use the menu indicator at the top-right corner of the task pane and select the Reload option (see the red circle in the image below).

    After refreshing the task pane, go to the cell(s) where the =XBRL.showData() formula is used and add an asterisk before the equals sign, press enter, then remove the asterisk to re-initiate the query. You should be able to use Excel’s find and replace for this step if there are many queries.

    Consider building query URLs in one cell, and calling them with XBRL.showData from another cell ( =XBRL.showData(A1, “”, “”, “1”) – this lets you manage the query independent of its execution.

    context menu for task pane

    in reply to: The XBRL API #200820
    David Tauriello

    From a user:

    How do I avoid having the column headers appearing?

    The XBRL.showData function in Google Sheets and Excel accepts three optional parameters to display facets of the information queried. The last one is used to show (TRUE or 1) or suppress (FALSE or 0) column headers (see below).

    add-in optional parameters

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