XBRL US, in partnership with the SunSpec Alliance and the solar industry have developed a Candidate release of the Orange Button Taxonomy 1.2, for the financing of solar projects. While the initial release is now available, comments can still be submitted through the taxonomy viewer, Yeti, and will be considered for the second release of the taxonomy. Below, visitors can access the taxonomy viewer, download the full Taxonomy, read the Orange Button Taxonomy Guide, and access XBRL APIs that work with the Taxonomy and Orange Button data.
The U.S solar industry has grown by an average of 68% per year for the past decade (Source: SEIA). Rapid expansion in the solar energy industry highlights the need to streamline the collection, management and exchange of solar datasets to reduce market inefficiencies and lower costs for consumers.
Orange Button, which is a U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office-funded program, was launched to set data standards for the solar industry. The initiative seeks to make solar energy cost-competitive with other forms of electricity by funding cooperative research, development, demonstration, and deployment projects by private companies, universities, state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, and national laboratories to drive down the cost of solar electricity to $0.06 per kilowatt-hour.
The XBRL data standard is uniquely suited to transport financial datasets that are needed to communicate distributed solar financial disclosures.
Interested in getting involved and potentially joining the working group that will be further developing the Orange Button standard? Email info@xbrl.us for more information.
Learn more about Orange Button.
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