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  • in reply to: Does number change overtime? #130930
    Tim Bui

    Hi David,

    Thank you for explaining the for me. However, would you please elaborate a little more on these points so that I can gain a better understanding?

    1. On your writing, “the values will differ, because our database assigns values based on the facts as they appear in the company’s instance”, does this mean that XBRL US assigns the, the SEC assigns or the company self-assigns?

    2. Do you know if there is a relationship from one year to the next (say from 2017 to 2018 and to 2019)? or Is the number for the current year completely different from the previous year?

    I am trying to find some commonality to do comparison among companies, but it is difficult. For example, just for Total Revenue (the very top line), I went throught some 100 income statements, yes from roughtly 100 10Ks, and found there are 27 for 2017 and 16 for 2018.

    For 2017:
    2017 InvestmentIncomeInterestAndDividend 21655159
    2017 OilAndGasRevenue 18613203
    2017 RegulatedAndUnregulatedOperatingRevenue 18614810
    2017 RegulatedAndUnregulatedOperatingRevenue 21652265
    2017 RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax 18602475
    2017 RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax 21653976
    2017 RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax 21654060
    2017 RevenuefromContractwithCustomersTransportationandProcessingCosts 24197257
    2017 RevenueMineralSales 15794561
    2017 RevenueOilAndGasServices 18604404
    2017 Revenues 15796345
    2017 Revenues 18605331
    2017 Revenues 21659490
    2017 RevenuesAndOtherIncome 24259790
    2017 RevenuesAndOtherIncome 24488188
    2017 RevenuesAndOtherIncome 24508761
    2017 SalesRevenueGoodsGross 18616032
    2017 SalesRevenueGoodsNet 15800900
    2017 SalesRevenueGoodsNet 18614606
    2017 SalesRevenueGoodsNetExcludingExciseAndSalesTaxes 20763215
    2017 SalesRevenueNet 15803196
    2017 SalesRevenueNet 18614636
    2017 SalesRevenueNetOfExciseTaxes 21724253
    2017 SalesRevenueServicesGross 18614619
    2017 SalesRevenueServicesNet 18614749
    2017 SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense 21658596
    2017 TotalRevenuesAndOtherIncome 24421937

    For 2018:

    2018 InvestmentIncomeInterestAndDividend 21655159
    2018 RegulatedAndUnregulatedOperatingRevenue 21652265
    2018 RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax 18602475
    2018 RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax 21653976
    2018 RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax 21654060
    2018 RevenuefromContractwithCustomersTransportationandProcessingCosts 24197257
    2018 Revenues 18605331
    2018 Revenues 21659490
    2018 RevenuesAndOtherIncome 24259790
    2018 RevenuesAndOtherIncome 24488188
    2018 RevenuesAndOtherIncome 24508761
    2018 SalesRevenueGoodsNet 18614606
    2018 SalesRevenueNet 18614636
    2018 SalesRevenueNetOfExciseTaxes 21724253
    2018 SalesRevenueServicesNet 18614749
    2018 SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense 21658596

    As always, thank you for your help, David!


    in reply to: Does number change overtime? #130934
    Tim Bui

    By the way, David, I cannot use just one because some companies use “Revenues” as total revenue while some others use “Revenues” as part of “RevnueandOtherIncome”, and some use totally different concept.names.

    ps. I just realized I wrongly added the very last line in 2018 concept above. It’s a SG&A line.

    in reply to: Extracting Data From A Particular Financial Statement #131503
    Tim Bui

    Hi David,
    Using the code below, I can get the Ticker and Facts. However, is there a code where I can reference to a CIK and get all of the for each financial statement for a particular year? I can get all of the concept names per CIK from Jim Truscott’s XBRLXL website. But I don’t know how to get all of the


    By the way, thank you for pointing me to get the Quarterly Financial Data Set from the SEC website. Nevertheless, to make this data set useful, I think I need the concept.ID from XBRL US to group and manage data because is much more fiscal year and company specific.

    As always, thank you for your help, David!

    in reply to: Extracting Data From A Particular Financial Statement #131983
    David Tauriello

    Tim – in the forumula you posted, remove fact.has-dimensions=false to return all facts. See page 13 of API Documentation for details on this parameter.

    in reply to: Extracting Data From A Particular Financial Statement #131990
    Tim Bui

    Got it. Thank you, David!

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #133617
    Tommy Carstensen

    Tim, did you ever manager to create a list of identical concepts? It’s a bit of a mess, when it’s not standardized. I’m surprised the SEC chose to allow companies to use random names as they see fit. It completely defeats the purpose of XBRL.

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #133655
    Tim Bui

    Hi Tommy,

    I started on the standardization but have not finished it yet. At the beginning, I planned to use data from XBRL US but David Tauriello pointed me to the SEC website where I can get all of the data from all filers more efficiently ( I am importing these data into a SQL Server to do standardization. I am learning the SEC data structure and think I have a way to do better standardization, but I need to test this method further. I would be happy to share my methodology with you if it works. In the meantime, if you want, I can give you what I have done so far, but it is incomplete. I use financial information for investing so I only standardize the items that I think relevant to my work.
    Yes, I agree that whichever entity (SEC, AICPA, CFA,…) that allows companies to name their tags (concepts) at-will really weaken the case for XBRL and disadvantage “smaller” financial data users like me. It’s illegal to fudge the numbers but accountants can name the numbers whatever they want and can change these names when it’s convenient–making peer comparison or historical comparison extremely difficult. Data providers such as Bloomberg, Factset, CapitalIQ, Thomson Reuters will be in business for a very long time.

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #133680
    Tommy Carstensen

    Aye Tim, I think Morningstar and the rest of them will continue to thrive as long as the data is not standardised. I wanted to plot the data over time and across companies within an industry, but that turned out not to be trivial, because there is no requirement for the data to be homogenous over time and across industries. I hope the law and XBRL specifications are changed and data is homogenised going forward to enable small fintech companies to compete.

    Here my first attempt to plot data for General Mills over time:

    I shall be watching this thread to learn more about your attempts to standardise the data. I appreciate your efforts on behalf of the community. Thanks!

    in reply to: The XBRL API #137554
    Peter Guldberg

    Are the and fields generated in the load process by XBRL US, or do they match anything that can be found in the filings on SEC Edgar?

    in reply to: The XBRL API #137557
    Peter Guldberg

    The 3 latest quarterly reports from BBBY (CIK 0000886158) seem to be missing from the database. Those filed on 2018-07-06, 2018-10-10 and 2019-01-09.

    Would this be because the DB is not necessarily complete, or am I perhaps searching for them the wrong way?

    in reply to: and #137680
    David Tauriello

    These are internal to the XBRL Database of Public Filings.

    in reply to: Missing reports #137682
    David Tauriello

    Peter – thanks for bringing this to our attention; we’re still assessing what happened, but the filings are there:


    NOTE: the 7813 id will be merged into 12275 id in the near term.

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #139650
    D Q

    I too am interested in standardizing concepts for investing purposes.
    I don’t know SQL but DM me if I can help.

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #139657
    Tim Bui

    Hello DQ, I am still working on standardizing the tags. I think I am on the right track, however this is not a trivial task. I was able do download 87MM (yes million) lines of data from the SEC. And now I am parsing them out using SQL Server. It is slow moving because I have to check and recheck to make sure the data match with the 10Ks and 10Qs. I am happy to give the results to whoever wants them because they are not proprietary data and I am too a beneficiary of communities like XBRL US (David Tauriello at XBRL US has spent a lot of time bringing me up to speed.)

    To use this massive amount of data, one will need to use some database for sorting and screening. Microsoft Excel or Access cannot handle this much of data. Maybe we all can put in a request to XBRL US to allow members to contribute to this standardization efforts by creating a depository area on XBRL US pgAdmin.

    Commercial data providers do provide their own standardization but depending one’s need, the standardization has to be customized somewhat. Sorry for this oxymoron word of customizing the standardization. But for example, companies reports several types of Account Receivables. There are 948 distinct tags on just AccRec. Most data providers have just 1 line for AccRec. I try to break them down to 4 subcategories: AccRec_Trade_Short_Term, Acc_Rec_Finance_Short_Term, Acc_Rec_Trade_Long_Term and Acc_Rec_Trade_Long_Term. Acc_Rec_Trades are the receivables from regular customers. Acc_Rec_Financing are the receivables from financing activities such as a promissory note coming due or GM financing the dealers’ floorplans. ST or LT determines whether they are in current assets or long term assets. The change of each of these subcategories provides different type of information to the financial readers.

    In the meantime, I would highly recommend you to check out the XBRL XL ( website created by Jim Truscott. Jim also tries to do standardization. Jim had a demonstration of his Excel API hosted by XBRL US a few months back.

    Let’s hope we here from XBRL US on this matter.

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #139658
    Tim Bui

    By the way, DQ, There is a company named Intrinio ( that provides standardization on Excel. The prices seem to be very reasonable. I I tested their system out and found that their intereface is very to use. I think their data is suitable for most purposes. I do I own parsing raw data because I wanted to do further subsegments for my own use.

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