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  • in reply to: Getting started with the XBRL Filed Data Add-in for Excel #196111

    Hi David,

    Still no joy, either online or local. Do you know the URL of the catalog? In the Office Trust Center, I find a page where I can set up “Trusted Web Add-in Catalogs”, by providing the catalog URL, but doesn’t work.

    I am trying to get help from my company’s IT support, but they can’t make heads or tails of this problem. The only solution suggested so far was to uninstall and reinstall the whole Office 365 suite, which took much of yesterday and didn’t help at all.

    in reply to: Getting started with the XBRL Filed Data Add-in for Excel #196112
    David Tauriello

    Hi Elisa – I’m not aware of any Trust Center settings that make the published add-in work.

    Are you able to download, install and use other add-ins from the Office Store (

    A Google search of the phrase you’re getting shows this as the top result among several that indicate the same information – that access is blocked by local policy, either on the network or in the Office 365 suite (nb. the add-in won’t work with earlier versions on Windows … could it be that this is the issue in your setup – ?):

    Assuming the issue is not related to the corporate firewall, here’s what Microsoft says needs to be done to make the Add-in available as admin-managed:

    To use the Excel Add-in without having your IT Team approve it for use in your company’s Office 365 profile, you can create a free account at while you are on a computer that is not connected to a company network or VPN – like Google, Microsoft gives access to Office on the Web to registered users.

    Once you’ve logged in with your new Microsoft account to Excel on the Web, install the XBRL Filed Data add-in, then log in to the XBRL Filed Data add-in using your XBRL US Web account credentials and the client ID and secret you generated from our site.

    Assuming the new Microsoft account is not connected to your company and your connection to the Internet is not routing through your corporate LAN or VPN, you should be able to use the Excel Add-in.

    in reply to: The XBRL API #196731
    David Tauriello

    An XBRL API User writes:

    I would like to use the XBRL API to import 2 facts (the operating income loss for the past quarter and YTD) from the 10-Qs of about 600 CIKs into a google sheet or excel spreadsheet. Is there a way to do this without exceeding the limits associated with a basic individual membership?

    You can probably do this by splitting queries for the CIKs into at least six groups of ~100. You’ll also need to include the report.document-type with report.document-index set at 1 to get the most recent 10-Q:,0001018724,0000320193,0001652044&report.document-type=10-Q,10-Q/A&report.document-index=1&concept.local-name=OperatingIncomeLoss&fact.ultimus=true&fact.has-dimensions=false&fields=period.fiscal-year.sort(DESC),,period.fiscal-period.sort(DESC),fact.numerical-value,concept.local-name,report.entry-url,fact.offset()

    We recently updated a Python script (Jupyter Notebook) on our Data Community page – – that might be more effective for this – it will loop the account’s paging limit with the fact.offset() field and collect results up to the user’s account limit ( The last step in the script saves the data frame to a .csv if you run it on a local computer (free software like VS Code makes it pretty easy to set up Python and/or even the Jupyter .ipynb file).

    For Power User Individuals and Organizational Members, the loop will return everything we have that matches your query, so use care in building filters to specify what you need, or you might be waiting a while as terabytes are pushed back to you.

    If you stick with Excel, you’ll need to manually manage the offset field to get past limits we set for each user (consider multiple versions of the two CIK groups for the incremented offset). Our XBRL API Documentation and a couple of Discussion Forum threads explain how to use the endpoint.offset() field.

    in reply to: The XBRL API #196748
    Jeff Krimmel


    I downloaded the Excel add-in, and after using the task pane to generate a query, I received “No information returned” as the output.

    Here is my task pane-generated query:

    =XBRL.showData(CONCATENATE(“,fact.value,period.fiscal-period,period.”,”fiscal-year,fact.limit(),fact.offset()&”),””, “”, “1”)

    Do you know what’s going wrong with this one?

    As an aside, part of the reason I’m using Excel is I continue to get the following error in Google Sheets:

    Lock timeout: another process was holding the lock for too long. (line 704).

    Are those two issues related? I have tried clearing the cache from my browser, logging out, shutting the browser down, then opening it back up and logging back in, but I still get the Google Sheets error.

    Thanks a bunch for any insight you can offer,


    in reply to: No information returned in Excel #196751
    David Tauriello

    Hi Jeff – the CIK is a 10-digit number; add 3 zeros to the front of your CIK value in your query and you should get results. FWIW, in the task pane you can use the ‘Get facts by entity name’ field to get fully-qualified CIKs for companies – start typing the name and select from the list to add to the CIK field.

    Also – we had to use CONCATENATE to get around Microsoft’s limit for formulas. If you use the ‘Query’ radio button just above the ‘Get’, you can drop the query into a cell. If you then put =XBRLshowData(QUERYCELL,””,””,”1″) into another cell, you get around that Microsoft ‘feature’ (QUERYCELL = where you landed the query).

    On the Google Sheet issue, try stepping through these troubleshooting steps and let me know if the issue persists.

    in reply to: How to get list of Subsidiaries for a company in a filing #196967
    David Tauriello

    Hi Ajit – you’ll need two queries to return a list that confirms the text string exists and provides a URL to the HTML in EDGAR. As this content is in the unstructured part of the filing and not tagged, there’s no way for our database to show only the specific detail for the search query.

    The first query returns our database’s internal values for filings that should be searched, and the second query searches for the specified string in the document (excluding XBRL-tagged information) and returns an excerpt and URL for it.

    Here’s a Jupyter notebook as an example – – it may take a few minutes for the environment to get spun up, but after that, scroll to the bottom and you should see several examples for values selected from the initial query against Apple’s SIC code.

    If you enter your credentials and follow the instructions, you should be able to get other results. At a minimum, you can copy out the queries and modify them elsewhere as needed.

    Post back here and let us know how it works out for you.


    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #197110
    Sammeer S Raawat

    Hi Tim Bui (initiator of the thread) and all,

    Following is the list of all TAGS, LAbels and their occurrences in 20210930 for revenues

    In my humble opinion, it is best to download the data available in flat files and then work on it. All the relationships and description of all elements is very well defined and documented.

    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Revenue 774
    Revenues Total revenues 742
    Revenues Revenues 480
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Revenues 464
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Total revenue 431
    Revenues Revenue 406
    Revenues Total revenue 394
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Total revenues 355
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax Revenue 132
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Net revenues 125
    Revenues Total Revenues 115
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Net revenue 108
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Sales 102
    Revenues Sales 85
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax Revenues 83
    Revenues REVENUES 66
    Revenues Net revenues 64
    Revenues REVENUE 62
    Revenues Net revenue 57
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax Total revenue 57
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax Total revenues 57
    Revenues Total Revenue 46
    Revenues TOTAL REVENUES 43
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax REVENUE 41
    ProceedsFromSaleOfAvailableForSaleSecuritiesDebt Sales 38
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax REVENUES 36
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Total Revenues 32
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Total Revenue 29
    Revenues TOTAL REVENUE 23
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax Net revenues 14
    Revenues NET REVENUES 14
    RevenuesNetOfInterestExpense Net revenue 12
    RevenuesNetOfInterestExpense Net revenues 12
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax Net revenue 11
    Sales Sales 11
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax REVENUE 10
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax Sales 10
    Revenues SALES 10
    Revenues Net Revenue 9
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax NET REVENUE 8
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Net Revenues 8
    Revenues Revenues: 8
    RegulatedAndUnregulatedOperatingRevenue Total revenues 8
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Net Revenue 6
    Revenues NET REVENUE 6
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax TOTAL REVENUE 6
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax Net Revenue 5
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax Total Revenue 5
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax NET REVENUES 4
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax Net Revenues 4
    Revenues Revenue: 4
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax REVENUES 4
    SalesRevenue Sales 4
    SellingExpense Sales 4
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax TOTAL REVENUES 4
    Revenues REVENUE: 3
    GrossProfit NET REVENUE 2
    GrossProfit Net Revenue 2
    GrossProfit Net revenue 2
    NetRevenues Net revenue 2
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax NET REVENUE 2
    GrossProfit Net Revenues 2
    NetFinancingRevenuesExcludingOtherRevenues Net revenues 2
    Revenues Net Revenues 2
    RevenuesNetOfInterestExpense Net Revenues 2
    SalesTypeLeaseRevenue Net revenues 2
    InterestAndDividendIncomeOperating Revenue 2
    PremiumsEarnedNet Revenue 2
    RevenueFromCollaborativeArrangementExcludingRevenueFromContractWithCustomer Revenue 2
    RevenueRevenueAdjustmentsFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Revenue 2
    RevenuesNetOfInterestExpense Revenue 2
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Revenue: 2
    InvestmentBankingRevenue Revenues 2
    OperatingLeaseLeaseIncome Revenues 2
    OperatingLeaseLeaseIncomeLeasePayments Revenues 2
    RevenuesfromOtherParties Revenues 2
    RevenuesIncludingFederalExciseTax Revenues 2
    RevenuesNetOfRealizedAndUnrealizedGainsLossesOnInvestments Revenues 2
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Revenues: 2
    ProceedsFromCustomers Sales 2
    ProceedsFromSaleOfMortgageBackedSecuritiesMbsCategorizedAsTrading Sales 2
    RevenueNotFromContractWithCustomerOther Sales 2
    SaleRevenueNet Sales 2
    SellingAndMarketingExpense Sales 2
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax Sales revenue 2
    Revenues Sales revenue 2
    GrossProfit TOTAL REVENUE 2
    RevenueFromCollaborativeArrangementExcludingRevenueFromContractWithCustomer Total revenue 2
    RevenuesNetOfInterestExpense Total revenue 2
    TotalRevenue Total Revenue 2
    TotalRevenue Total revenue 2
    TotalRevenuesIncludingRevenueGeneratedByVariableInterestEntities Total revenue 2
    CostOfRevenue Total revenues 2
    InterestAndFeeIncomeLoansAndLeasesHeldInPortfolio Total revenues 2
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax TOTAL REVENUES 2
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax Total Revenues 2
    RevenueNotFromContractWithCustomerOther TOTAL REVENUES 2
    RevenuesExcludingInterestAndDividends Total revenues 2
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax REVENUES: 1
    ProceedsFromBankLoanParticipations Sales 1
    ProceedsFromLimitedPartnershipInvestments Sales 1
    ProceedsFromSaleAndMaturityOfAvailableForSaleSecurities Sales 1
    ProceedsFromSaleOfEquitySecuritiesFvNi Sales 1
    ProceedsfromSaleofEquitySecuritiesFVNI Sales 1
    ProceedsFromSaleOfEquitySecuritiesWithoutReadilyDeterminableFairValues Sales 1
    ProceedsFromSaleOfEquitySecuritiesWithReadilyDeterminableFairValues Sales 1
    ProceedsFromSaleOfShortTermInvestments Sales 1
    ProceedsFromSaleOfTradingSecuritiesHeldforinvestment Sales 1
    RevenueFromContractWithCustomerIncludingAssessedTax SALES 1




    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #197128
    Tim Bui

    Hi Sammeer, Thank you for sharing the list of tags for the revenue category. I have been trying off and on to create a list of standardized financial items without success because there are soo many variations in the names of the tags, as your list shows 110 ways of describing revenues. I think the accounting authorities allow companies too much flexibility in naming their tags to describe their particular financial situations. The liberal descriptions are useful in describing the uniqueness of items of individual companies , it is extremely difficult to do aggregation for peer comparisons. Individual investors like me who lack sophisticated programming skills still are not able to take advantage of the digitization of financial data.

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #197135
    Peter W Reed

    I’m in alignment with Tim. I think it has more to do with experience in accounting than programming skills. The material Charles Hoffman has written on use of XBRL is a couple of skill levels above me. After two years of trying I gave up and decided to use the freely available normalized financials available from Yahoo, Morningstar, Macrotrends, Alpha Advantage, etc.. Their information has some flaws for example the reporting dates can be off by days – they tend to use end of month instead of the true date. I believe these outlets use the same source since I see the same flaw show up in multiple providers.

    Good luck!

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #197148
    Mikko Olkkonen

    Hi, I guess that I am more in alignment with Sammeer’s approach. I am interested in only twenty or so of the main items (Revenue, cashflow from operations, cash, equity, …). Therefore, standardisation in my case is doable with some combination of helper scripts and manual work. My approach leads to information that has smaller scope and lower quality than the information you can find at Yahoo, Morningstar etc. However, licences by Yahoo etc tend to prevent liberal usage of information extracted from their sites. Therefore, crawling the information from their sites is not applicable in my case even if automated extraction from their sites could be technically doable.

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #197153
    Peter W Reed

    Mikko thanks for your thoughts. The biggest difference is our use of the information. I can appreciated your need for unfettered open-source property. Frankly I’m a little disappointed the SEC hasn’t already done this. My use case is private individual use.

    I don’t know if I shared this. I know I can “easily” get the mapping from gaap terminology to ‘normal’ terminology. Using this mapping to my advantage is another thing. I realized what I created was no better than subscribing to Yahoo. Except Yahoo is less complicated to maintain and cleanse.

    Edgar produces excel-like reports for every 10-K/10-Q. The url below is the base (part 1 + part2). The parameters in the link are easily gained. Where {report} is {R1, R2, R3, …,} R1 contains all of the reports details like report type {10-K, 10-Q}. Give the link a try. Here is a sample for AAPL part2 – 0000320193/000032019321000056/R1.htm

    part 1:
    part 2: {cik}/{accNoHyph}/{report}.htm

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #197160
    Tim Bui

    Hi Peter, could you please share the steps that you do to map the gaap tags to your terminology? I need to learn to do that in Postgresql.

    The level or depth of standardized or classified financial items is very much depending on what one tries to seek. For example. I would like to see further breakdown of total debt into corporate debt, mortgages, or capitalizes debt tied to leased assets. While all debts are obligations, the nature of these debt says a lot about the company’s financial risks and financing strategy.

    Thank you. Peter

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #197257
    Peter W Reed

    I believe you will find this reference of value. Alphavantage is who I decided to use for my personal purposes. I found of particular interest the GAAP Taxonomy Mappings.
    Similar concepts reference material

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #197258
    Tim Bui

    Hi Peter, when I click on that “Similar concepts reference material” nothing happens. Is it a website?
    I have to come up with my own standardized list, however, I need to learn how to groups the tags so that I can assign to the standardized items in Postgresql. I am just looking for a methodology on how to do mapping of tags to standardized item. Thank you, Peter

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #197259
    Tim Bui
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