Items tagged with "EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding"

1.1 Element Selection

Issued: 1/27/12

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.1.11 DEI disclosure for LLC’s

Issue Some LLC companies present the ownership units on DEI as follows: Example 1: Example 2: Recommendation When LLC companies present DEI in this format, the EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding element should not be tagged. If the presentation is described as in Example 1 above, an extension element MembershipInterestsDescription should be created with a data type of stringItemType […more]

1.1 Element Selection

Issued: 3/25/11

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.1.5 Tagging Partnership or other Equity Units on DEI

Issue Sometimes filers create an extended element when reporting partnership or other equity units in their Document and Entity Information (DEI).  The element EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding includes documentation that is specific to “classes of common stock” and, therefore, some filers have chosen to extend an element to report partnership or other equity-related units. Recommendation Rather than extending […more]

1.3 Axis Selection

Issued: 1/28/11

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.3.3 Axis and Domain for Multiple Classes of Stock on DEI

Issue Filers have expressed concern when tagging multiple classes of stock in the DEI. The documentation label for the element EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding explictly suggests defining the Class of Stock members on the InstrumentDomain of the EntityListingsInstrumentAxis.  This guidance is inconsistent with the EDGAR Filer Manual at 6.5.26, which requires member placement in this scenario on the […more]

1.1 Element Selection

Issued: 10/18/10

Impact: All US GAAP

Company Extension Taxonomy

1.1.1 Shares Issued and Shares Outstanding

Issue Review of XBRL filings shows that a number of companies have reported the default value of the SharesIssued tag on the statement of shareholders’ equity as the value of shares outstanding. This element’s definition is “Number of shares of stock issued as of the balance sheet date, including shares that had been issued and […more]