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  • in reply to: The XBRL API #127029

    Hi everyone,

    apologies, I believe I might be overlooking something fundamental here but I do not understand what exactly has to be done to authenticate within the XBRL XL template and make the query connections work. I tried to follow the steps in the “FAQ” tab but could not really progress.. would be really appreciated if someone could higlight the necessary (first) steps a bit more clearly. Thanks a bunch in advance!

    in reply to: Excel authentication #127074
    Jim Truscott

    Hi Francesco. I’m gonna put a video together today that will demo what you need to do. Jim

    in reply to: Excel authentication #127097
    David Tauriello

    Here’s an excerpt from our XBRL US Member meeting last week, showing where the values are inserted:

    in reply to: Excel authentication #127126
    Jim Truscott

    Thanks for posting that David. Jim

    in reply to: Excel authentication #127368
    Jim Truscott

    Hi there,

    I’ve just posted a fuller video – which covers the whole setup from start to finish and a quick whizz around the queries for starters.


    in reply to: The XBRL API #128890
    Tim Bui

    I use the code below to get some data. with I do get the company name, however, the entity.ticker does not return value. Would anyone please point me to the right direction? Thank you

    in reply to: entity.ticker does not return any value #129019
    David Tauriello

    entity.ticker is not available on the /fact endpoint (see XBRL API Documentation).

    You might be able to return this detail if you use /report/fact/search? instead of /fact/search? – note: this might ‘nest’ the results in Google Sheets and make that approach impractical. In that case, consider including or as one of the fields in your initial query, then set up a second query to return entity.ticker as /report/search?,FROM,YOUR,QUERY)&fields=entity.ticker

    in reply to: Getting started with the XBRL Google Sheet and add-on #129657

    I could not get to work on Firefox – At the Authentication Menu, I was never given a menu to login – including following all of the steps anove. It did work on Chrome.

    in reply to: entity.ticker does not return any value #129754
    Tim Bui

    Thank you for your explanation, David.

    in reply to: Extracting Data From A Particular Financial Statement #129969
    Tim Bui

    Hi Brian,

    Not being a technical person and not knowing much about Google Sheet, would you please help me again with downloading the financial statements?
    1. Get CIK:
    I put the ticker in B2 and use this code to get the CIK(put code in B3): =left(ImportXML(“”&A2&”&action=getcompany”,”//div/span/a[1]”),10)

    2. Get
    I put your code in cell B3
    =showdata(B3), but I get “No information returned”

    3. Get financial statements:{dtsid}& – Statement – Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)&fields=relationship.tree-sequence.sort(ASC),relationship.*

    – what does the curly brackets {dtsid} do?
    – where do I change the code to get Income statement or cash flow statement?

    Thank you for your help, Brian!


    in reply to: Getting started with the XBRL Google Sheet and add-on #130034
    David Tauriello

    Hi James – I’m confirming there’s an issue with the link to the Authentication Menu with Firefox. As a work-around, right-click (Windows) and open the Authentication Menu in a new tab or window, then proceed with credentials and close the tab upon ‘success’ messaging.

    in reply to: The XBRL API #130358
    PX NY

    I hope this question isn’t out of place.

    Is there a way the use API to parse a 10-K and have it return specific abstract text formally itemized in the document, such as “Item 1.”, which is “Business Description” or “Item 2.” which is “Risk Factors,” etc.?

    in reply to: Extracting Data From A Particular Financial Statement #130800
    David Tauriello

    Tim – on the ‘no information returned’ issue, check that your formula is correct. Spreadsheet programs (Google Sheets, Excel) require a specific syntax when you want to use data contained in a cell – our templates use the CONCATENATE formula pretty consistently to join strings together see: – this creates a URL that is recognized by the XBRL US showData() function in our add-on that enables data to flow into Google cells.

    I read Brian’s {curly brackets} as a variable – in this case, it’s the that’s populated by data in another cell or worksheet.

    Try this query in your Google Sheet – /relationship/search?,relationship.* – the network.role-description column lists statements and disclosures from this Ford Motor Company report. You can use the text from any of these reports with Brian’s code to get line details for any statement or disclosure (remember to carry the into Brian’s query – not every company reports the same statements and disclosures)

    in reply to: Can API Parse 10-K? #130816
    David Tauriello

    The XBRL API is not currently configured to query text within fact.value as there are several datatypes for this information (numeric, boolean, data, string, etc.). At this point, the parsing needs to be done on fact.value after it’s returned to the end user. Fortunately, structured data like XBRL makes this easy at the destination.

    To date, we’ve enabled text-match on the label endpoint so a query like this will show all of the labels in a filing that contain the string “Text Block” – /label/search? Block&fields=label.*,concept.local-name.sort(ASC). Take a look at the documentation for details.

    We’re continuing to explore and assess the suitability of text match on other viable endpoints like fact.

    in reply to: Extracting Data From A Particular Financial Statement #130825
    Tim Bui

    Thank you, David! Got it. It’s working

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