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  • in reply to: The XBRL API #186136
    Ajit Vasudevan


    I am trying to create/generate the auth token, but I am getting the following error from the end point

    “error”: “invalid_client”,
    “error_description”: “Bad Client”

    I checked the client ID and secret multiple times.

    The following is the raw body (masked client id and secret):


    Any assistance would be much appreciated.


    in reply to: Issue with Authentication API #186139
    David Tauriello

    Hi Ajit – what are you using to POST – ? – Insomnia, Postman or another testing client, or are you writing code in a language – ?

    There are instructions for Insomnia posted at the end of the PDF documentation.

    If you’re working in a language, check out the resources for PHP, Python and R linked in the list of free resources on the XBRL Data Community. Briefly, you need to POST body, and encoding to the token URL, then use the access_token as “Bearer $token” with your query.

    If you’re still having an issue, post back and share the code you have and language you’re using.


    in reply to: Getting started with the XBRL Google Sheet and add-on #186140
    J C

    Note that this is the same for Safari. If you open it in a new tab, you can authenticate and refreshing the sheet should populate the data.

    in reply to: Tackling issues with operating lease data #186141
    Teji Abraham

    Thanks David.
    I have noticed cases where multiple label texts are returned for e.g. if call xbrl api with and concept.local-name=OperatingLeaseLiability, two data points are returned for label.text.

    How should we handle such cases.

    Thanks again, Teji

    in reply to: Issue with Authentication API #186198
    Ajit Vasudevan

    Thanks David. It works now. The issue was with the username and password

    in reply to: The XBRL API #186199
    Ajit Vasudevan


    I am trying to obtain the list of Subsidiaries for a company from its 10K filing.
    For example, Apples 2019 10K filing is at

    And from there, you can navigate to the “Subsidiaries of the Registrant” – which is Exhibit 21.1

    Any help on what the API query would be to get this info would be great!


    in reply to: How to get list of Subsidiaries for a company in a filing #186226
    David Tauriello

    Hi Ajit – we’re finalizing a /document endpoint with text search capability for XBRL US Members that will allow you to get details like this, which are outside of the XBRL facts for the filing.

    Once its ready, we’ll be holding a web meeting to cover the basics of search – wildcard options, etc. – as well as show some other tools for data access.

    in reply to: How to get list of Subsidiaries for a company in a filing #186293
    Ajit Vasudevan

    Thanks David. Do you have an ETA on when this API would be ready?

    in reply to: How to get list of Subsidiaries for a company in a filing #186352
    David Tauriello

    Ajit – it’s in production now – see the document endpoint here for documentation: and note that we’re making some modifications to the query parameters.

    in reply to: Tackling issues with operating lease data #186420
    David Tauriello

    Teji – my apologies for the slow reply. The /relationship endpoint can help where an element may be used for several facts in a company dts. This endpoint has details related to structuring the facts in the report.

    If you return relationship.preferred-label for the concept as ‘’, you can compare this parameter with label.role-short

    See row 10 of the updated Google Sheet

    in reply to: The XBRL API #186473
    Arthur Olevskiy

    Hi David,

    How can I get data which is not in sec xml files such as risk factors, MD&A and other items with useful textual data?


    in reply to: Risk factors and other items from 10-Q&10-K filings #186478
    David Tauriello

    Arthur – we’re finalizing a member-only endpoint /document that can be used to search non-XBRL details in company filings. See for details on how to use this.

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #186667
    Husein Kirefu

    I read through the site, and was left with the impression they had created, in junction with FASB & SEC, a standardized way of taging lines of financial data with what they call “concept”. However I could not find a xblr based General Ledger giving these “concept”.

    After reading this thread, am I correct in concluding there is no standard IFRS/GAAP/ect standard for pulling data across periods in a company and across companies?

    If so, what value is there in xblr for an investor if a company can change/create “concept” to reclassify a ledger item requiring a manual audit of the data for integrity?

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #186668
    Tim Bui

    Hi Husein, XBRL has done a tremendous job in bringing financial reporting data into the 21st century. However, from my perspective, this data reporting mechanism is helpful only to the filers and to the data vendors at this present time. Unless one knows a lot about programming, individual investors like me still do not have an easy way to use this information. Companies have so much leeway in using tags and extensions to describe their particular situations. Without standardization, it is impossible to properly do trend or comparative analysis.

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #186684
    David Tauriello

    Hi Husein – thanks for taking a look at the information on our site and at XBRL International. It’s not clear from your post what specific data you’re looking for – our Public Filings Database is designed to return all data filed under the SEC’s requirement for public companies since 2009, as well as the base taxonomies published by the FASB and the IFRS. You can use the XBRL API to get started with the data ( – we’ve posted documentation and several templates and tools that can help familiarize you with the data set. We also link to taxonomy viewers for the base taxonomies – see the links on the right side of

    The extensibility of the business reporting standard for reporting is one of its great strengths. The US SEC’s implementation for public company financials is an ‘open reporting’ environment (see the glossary of our Taxonomy Development Handbook – In adopting the use of XBRL for public companies, the US SEC acknowledged its responsibility to ‘limit the use of extensions to circumstances where the appropriate financial statement element does not exist in the standard list of tags’ (

    We continue to work with both the FASB and the SEC to recommend taxonomy modelling for the US GAAP accounting standard and identify issues related to filing patterns. Limiting the use of extensions has been an on-going part of our discussions.

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