2024 GAAP/SRT Taxonomy Improvements & SEC Update
Event: 1PM ET Tuesday, April 2, 2024
This webcast will discuss improvements to the 2024 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy (Taxonomy) for recently issued FASB Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs) and to the 2024 SEC Reporting Taxonomy (SRT) based on feedback and internal analysis collectively referred to as the “2024 Taxonomy Releases.” A fireside chat featuring Christine Botosan, FASB Board Member, and Christine Cheng, […more]

FASB Call for Comment – the 2024 SRT and DQCRT
Event: Wednesday, September 5, 2023 - Monday, November 6, 2023
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) staff recently issued for comment the following: Proposed technical and other conforming improvements for the 2024 SEC Reporting Taxonomy (SRT) (File Reference No. 2024-1000) The comment period for the proposed technical and other conforming improvements for the SRT ends on November 6, 2023. Interested parties may provide comments on […more]

2023 GAAP/SRT Taxonomy Improvements & SEC Update
Event: 1PM ET Tuesday, April 11, 2023
This webcast will discuss improvements to the 2023 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy (Taxonomy) for recently issued FASB Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs) and to the 2023 SEC Reporting Taxonomy (SRT) based on feedback and internal analysis collectively referred to as the “2023 Taxonomy Releases.” A fireside chat will be included featuring Wes Bricker, Vice Chair—US/Mexico Trust […more]

Novaworks webinar: Pay Versus Performance, the Executive Compensation Disclosure
Event: 1PM ET Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Join Novaworks for a free education session to help filers adjust to the changes associated with the SEC’s adoption of final rules regarding Pay Versus Performance, the Executive Compensation Disclosure, and the disclosure of the recovery of erroneously awarded compensation (clawbacks). The 60-minute webinar will cover the following topics: A brief overview of the role […more]

FASB Webcast: IN FOCUS: 2022 GAAP Taxonomy Improvements & SEC Update
Event: 1PM ET Tuesday, April 5, 2022
The discussion will include the following: Acting Chief Accountant Paul Munter’s remarks on the OCA’s priority on high quality financial reporting for investors’ benefits, OCA staff’s use of XBRL data and the importance of tagging accuracy. An update from the SEC Office of Structured Disclosure staff on SEC taxonomies and observations on data quality. Additional […more]

2022 RegTech Data Summit
Event: 11:30 AM Wednesday, March 16, 2022
XBRL US is excited to partner with the Data Coalition’s RegTech22 Data Summit! Recently added! Morning public forum: Accelerating AI in the Public Sector This in-person and virtual event will take place on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 in Washington D.C. The half day summit will focus on applying data innovation with regulatory technologies to improve […more]

FASB Taxonomy – Proposed Improvements for a Proposed ASU on Topic 326—Troubled Debt Restructuring & Vintage Disclosures
Event: Tuesday, November 23 - Thursday, December 23, 2021
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. FASB Staff Issues Proposed GAAP Taxonomy Improvements for a Proposed Accounting […more]

FASB Call for Comment – the 2022 SRT and Technical Guide
Event: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 - Thursday, September 23, 2021
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) staff recently issued for comment the following: Proposed technical and other conforming improvements for the 2022 SEC Reporting Taxonomy (SRT)(File Reference No. 2022-1100) Proposed SEC Reporting Taxonomy Technical Guide (Technical Guide) (File Reference No. 2022-1150) The comment period on the proposed DQCRT and the proposed accompanying Technical Guide ends […more]

FASB Call for Comment – DQC Rules Taxonomy and Technical Guide
Event: Monday, August 24 2021 - Thursday, September 23, 2021
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) staff recently issued for comment the following:
The comment period ends on September 23, 2021.

Member Event: DFIN – Navigating the Corporate ESG Journey
Event: 3:00 ET Wednesday, June 16, 2021
XBRL US Member, Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN) hosted a webinar on June 16, Navigating the Corporate ESG Journey: Strategies & Lessons Learned Featuring FIS Global, IR Magazine’s 2020 Best ESG Reporting Award Winner, featuring speakers: Andrew Ciafardini, Chief Sustainability Officer & Head of Global Public Policy, FIS Louis Coppola, Executive Vice President & Co-Founder, G&A […more]

FASB Taxonomy – Call for Comment: Derivatives and Hedging (Topic 815)
Event: Friday, May 7 - Monday, July 5, 2021
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. FASB Staff Issues Proposed GAAP Taxonomy Improvements for a Proposed Accounting […more]

The Calcbench Insider: May 2021
Posted May 6, 2021
In this issue:
- non-GAAP adjustments
- executive compensation
- Rite Aid Corp. and negative goodwill
- corporate income taxes

FASB Webcast: IN FOCUS: 2021 GAAP & SEC Reporting Taxonomy Improvements & SEC Update
Event: 1PM ET Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Registration is open for an upcoming Financial Accounting Standards Board FASB webcast IN FOCUS: 2021 GAAP and SEC Reporting Taxonomy Improvements and SEC Update. The discussion will include the following: Discussion of XBRL data in use An update from the SEC staff Overview of the 2021 Taxonomy including discussion of: The application of the Taxonomy for […more]

Data Foundation Webcast: MOVE.AI Advancing Regulatory Technology with AI
Event: 2PM ET Thursday, March 18, 2021
Last year major new laws advanced the government’s artificial intelligence practices, expanding and maturing the existing infrastructure to support agencies in adopting AI in practice. Now, with AI-focused pieces of legislation and administrative actions seeking to create a comprehensive AI strategy, what must be considered in order to successfully scale up implementation of AI programs? With extensive […more]

Webinar: Data Analytics in Accounting
Event: 2:00 PM ET Wednesday, March 3, 2021
In this webinar, we explore the broader need for data analytics in accounting and how data analytics has changed how the larger accounting firms deliver high quality audits today. We discuss the skills that accounting students need to build a career in auditing. Brian Wolohan, Partner in Charge of Audit Innovation, and an industry expert […more]

FASB Taxonomy – Call for Comment on DQC Rules Taxonomy
Event: Wednesday, October 27, 2020 - Tuesday, December 1, 2020
FASB Staff Issues Proposed XBRL US DQC Rules Taxonomy and Accompanying Technical Guide The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) staff recently issued for comment the following: Proposed XBRL US DQC Rules Taxonomy (DQCRT) Proposed Technical Guide Proposed SEC Reporting Taxonomy (SRT) Technical Guide The comment period on the proposed DQCRT and the proposed accompanying Technical […more]

FASB 2021 SEC Reporting Taxonomy – Call for Comment
Event: Tuesday, September 1 - Monday, November 2, 2020
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. FASB Staff Issues Proposed Technical and Other Conforming Improvements for the […more]

The Calcbench Insider: August 2020
Posted August 6, 2020
In this issue:
- Delta’s bad luck on investments
- Egg prices cracked, and Cal-Maine got fried
- On the rise: loan loss provisions
- Rolling up on toilet paper sales
- Looking at Q2 coronavirus disclosures

FASB Taxonomy – Call for Comments
Event: Monday, July 27 - Monday, September 21, 2020
FASB Staff Issues for Comment Proposed Taxonomy Implementation Guide on Extensible Lists and Proposed Taxonomy Improvements for a Proposed Accounting Standards Update, Financial Services—Insurance (Topic 944): Effective Date and Early Application and Other Taxonomy Implementation Guides as Final The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) staff recently issued for comment the following: Proposed Taxonomy Implementation Guide, […more]

SEC News from Novaworks Software
Posted June 23, 2020
Posted this month: SEC Adopts Amendments to Improve Financial Disclosures about Business Acquisitions and Dispositions Reminder for Filers Who Obtain EDGAR Access Pursuant to Temporary Final Rule 10(c) New York Regional Office to Host Educational Call for Investors on Avoiding COVID-Related Fraud SEC Extends Relief for Virtual Meetings of Fund Boards and more news

The Calcbench Insider: June 2020
Posted June 10, 2020
In this issue:
- Covid-19 Disclosures
- Earnings release & 10-K timing

How to Transform the Quality of Inline XBRL Reports
Event: 2 PM ET Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Introducing Certent HD ReportingSM Globally, more and more organizations are meeting requirements to use inline XBRL. Now the focus has shifted from just the data to presentation and formatting quality. Leading organizations understand the importance of high quality, fixed-layout formatting, to communicate to stakeholders effectively. With the introduction of High Definition or HD ReportingSM from Certent, […more]

Certent Customers Set a New Standard for Reports Filed with the SEC
Posted March 24, 2020
Certent Disclosure Management’s new HD ReportingSM feature to provide investors with innovative and easier-to-read filings. Certent, Inc., a leading provider of software-as-a-service solutions for financial disclosure management and equity compensation, announced today that the first wave of its customers have used Certent’s High Definition (HD) ReportingSM and become the first organizations to successfully file pixel-perfect, […more]

Call for Comment on Proposed Taxonomy Implementation Guides
Event: Friday, January 24, 2020 - Monday, February 24, 2020
FASB Staff Issues a Proposed Taxonomy Implementation Guide on Leases under Topic 842 and a Proposed Taxonomy Implementation Guide on Revenue from Contracts with Customers under Topic 606 for Comment Leases under Topic 842, includes new examples that highlight the reporting of right-of-use assets in a classified statement of financial position and an unclassified statement […more]

FASB Taxonomy – Call for Comment
Event: Thursday, October 17, 2019 - Monday, November 18, 2019
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. FASB Staff Issues Proposed XBRL US DQC Rules Taxonomy and Accompanying […more]

Workiva Customer Submits the First Multi-Document Inline XBRL Filing
Posted September 6, 2019
Public Companies Also Used Workiva Platform to Submit More Than 78 Percent of Inline XBRL Facts in 2019 Workiva, provider of the world’s leading connected reporting and compliance platform, announced that its customer – Summit Materials – used the Workiva platform to submit the first multi-document Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language (iXBRLTM) filing to the […more]

The Calcbench Insider: August 2019
Posted August 7, 2019
In this issue:
- Special report: Adopting the new lease accounting standard.
- Using Calcbench to measure China exposure.
- Lease accounting up close: Chipotle Mexican Grill.
- And more lease accounting: the Comcast example.
- Downshifting in the trucking world.

SEC News from Novaworks Software
Posted July 23, 2019
Posted this month: SEC Announces August 13 Meeting of Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee SEC Staff to Host Roundtable on Management of Public Companies and Other Regulatory Requirements SEC Announces Upcoming Events for Main Street Investors in Boston SEC Adopts Amendments to Improve the Application of the Auditor Independence Rules

The Calcbench Insider: July 2019
Posted July 10, 2019
In this issue:
- Popping the lid on Smuckers’ goodwill.
- Not much fizz in LaCroix.
- Tax reform and Casey’s General Stores.
- Calcbench data figures into a recent LeaseAccelerator report

Sunlight Foundation Article: California, Florida Leading the Way to Local Government Fiscal Transparency
Posted July 8, 2019
Marc Joffe, Senior Research Analyst at the Reason Foundation, and Chair, XBRL US State & Local Government Working Group, authored an article published by the Sunlight Foundation, where he noted: “In May, the California State Senate passed SB 598, the Open Financial Statements Act. The vote was an important milestone on the way toward opening up […more]

Navigating New Developments in Financial Reporting
Posted June 20, 2019
According to a report from the Financial Reporting Council’s Financial Reporting Lab (PDF), XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) will play a central role in the movement toward the digitalization of corporate reporting. And with regulators in over 60 countries using XBRL for corporate reporting, I agree with the report’s recommendation that regulators, companies and investors […more]

SEC News from Novaworks Software
Posted June 19, 2019
Posted this month: SEC Requests Public Comment on Ways to Improve the Exempt Offering Framework SEC Updates List of Firms Using Inaccurate Information to Solicit Investors Updated Application for First-time EDGAR Filers’ Form ID SEC Enhances Protections and Preserves Choice for Retail Investors Notice Regarding EDGAR Password Expiration Date SEC Releases EDGAR 19.2

The Calcbench Insider: June 2019
Posted June 6, 2019
In this issue:
- Trends in capex spending
- Calcbench insights on charge-offs
- How to find earnings release data
- Speaking Out: Disclosure for ‘BDCs’
- Geeking Out on the Filings – the legal marijuana industry and inventory

FASB Taxonomy – Calls for Comment
Event: Thursday, May 23, 2019 - Friday, June 28, 2019
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. FASB Staff Issues Proposed Taxonomy Improvements for a Proposed Accounting Standards […more]

Preliminary Information for Tagging Cover Page Data Using Inline XBRL
Posted May 22, 2019
To help US GAAP filers prepare for tagging the cover information, Novaworks Software has drafted a guide sheet with information that illustrates the XBRL elements and their corresponding data points. This guide sheet is applicable to all filers, with information for the cover pages for Form 10-K, Form 10-Q, Form 8-K, Form 20-F, and Form […more]

Calcbench data cited in WSJ article
Posted May 19, 2019
In this issue:
- Lease Accounting… There’s More
- Capex spending, both up and down.
- Restructuring costs on the rise.
- Restructuring costs up close.
- When Amazon takes over the world.

Navigating New Developments in Financial Reporting
Posted May 15, 2019
The pace of regulatory developments in financial reporting has accelerated significantly. Standard setters and regulators have transformed both accounting standards and the format of financial reporting, resulting in vast changes to not only how accounting is recorded, but also how financial results are reported. Proper handling of these accounting and reporting changes is a key […more]

The Calcbench Insider: May 2019
Posted May 2, 2019
In this issue:
- Lease Accounting… There’s More
- Capex spending, both up and down.
- Restructuring costs on the rise.
- Restructuring costs up close.
- When Amazon takes over the world.

FASB Taxonomy – Call for Comment: Income Taxes (Topic 740)
Event: Tuesday, April 30 - Friday, May 31, 2019
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. FASB Staff Issues Proposed Taxonomy Improvements for a Proposed Accounting Standards […more]

SEC Requires XBRL Tagging of 8-K
Posted April 16, 2019
In March 2019, the SEC adopted final amendments to its rules which On March 20, 2019, the SEC adopted final rule amendments, in connection with the FAST Act, which have expanded the scope of XBRL tagging requirements to the cover page of Forms 8-K, 10-Q, 10-K, 20-F, and 40-F (annual reports) using Inline XBRL. The […more]

Novaworks News – April, 2019
Posted April 16, 2019
In this issue: SEC Adopts FAST Act Simplification and Modernization of Regulation S-K SEC Releases EDGAR 19.1.1 SEC Proposes Offering Reforms for Business Development Companies and Registered Closed-End Funds SEC Staff to Hold Spring Fintech Forum on Distributed Ledger Technology and Digital Assets

Inline XBRL Compliance: the Time for Readiness is Now
Event: 2 PM ET Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Inline XBRL has long been a hot topic in the external reporting world, and the initial phase for SEC iXBRL compliance is around the corner. Join Certent’s XBRL experts, Jason Martin, Director, Disclosure Management Services, and Evan Condran, Director, Product Management, to ensure you and your team are prepared and get your questions answered in a […more]

The Calcbench Insider: April 2019
Posted April 4, 2019
In this issue:
- Our newest masterclass video is here.
- Where the spending goes.
- Adventures in taxes and net income.
- Taxes, Part II: trends in payments.
- Big movers in goodwill, intangible assets.

SEC Requires XBRL Tagging of 8-K
Posted March 28, 2019
In March 2019, the SEC adopted final amendments to its rules which expand the XBRL tagging requirement to Form 8-K filings. And it’s not just for selected Form 8-K filings; it’s for all of them. Form 8-K is the interim report that companies must file with the SEC to announce major events that shareholders should […more]

FASB FAQ updated for 2019 US GAAP
Posted March 22, 2019
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Staff recently issued an update to the Frequently Asked Questions about the U.S. GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy (FAQ) to include new guidance for preparers on addressing the deprecation of the “Report Date [Axis]” (CreationDateAxis) with the 2019 Taxonomy Update. The FAQ is available on the FASB website.

Novaworks News – March, 2019
Posted March 19, 2019
In this issue: SEC Staff to Hold Spring Fintech Forum on Distributed Ledger Technology and Digital Assets SEC Fee Rate Advisory #2 for Fiscal Year 2019 SEC Releases EDGAR 19.1

Ez-XBRL Announces Automated iXBRL Conversions Using Patented Technologies
Posted March 12, 2019
Ez-XBRL Solutions, Inc. announced today its new Inline XBRL (iXBRL) solution that enables SEC registrants to rapidly convert their existing XBRL tagged data to the iXBRL format. Read the press release.

Novaworks News – February, 2019
Posted February 19, 2019
In this issue:
- SEC Extends Comment Period for Updated Disclosure Requirements for Variable Annuities and Variable Life Insurance Contracts
- SEC’s Peak Filing Schedule for 2019
- SEC Brings Charges in EDGAR Hacking Case
- SEC Resumes Normal Operation

FASB Taxonomy – Calls for Comment
Event: Thursday, February 14, 2019 - Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. FASB Staff Issues Proposed Taxonomy Improvements for Proposed Accounting Standards Updates […more]

FASB Taxonomy – Calls for Comment
Event: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 - Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. FASB Staff Issues Proposed Taxonomy Improvements for Proposed Accounting Standards Updates […more]

The Calcbench Insider: December 2018
Posted December 11, 2018
In this issue:
- Lease accounting: FedEx vs. UPS.
- Our updated lease accounting guide.
- Find historical trend data: an example.
- Analysts, does this sound familiar?
- Geeking Out on the Filings
Cost of revenue, SG&A: a Q3 update.
SEC comment letters: The Amazon Example.

FASB Taxonomy – Call for Comment
Event: Monday, November 26 - Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. FASB Staff Issues Proposed Taxonomy Improvements for Proposed Accounting Standards Update […more]

FASB Taxonomy – Call for Comment
Event: Thursday, November 8 - Friday, December 7, 2018
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. FASB Staff Issues Proposed Taxonomy Improvements for Proposed Accounting Standards Update […more]

FASB Taxonomy – Calls for Comment
Event: Friday, October 12 - Monday, November 12, 2018
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. Proposed Taxonomy Implementation Guide, Financing Receivable and Current Expected Credit Loss […more]

The Calcbench Insider: October 2018
Posted October 11, 2018
In this issue:
- Our first webinar featured guest Marc Siegel, former member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board
- Calcbench Cool Insights
Unremitted foreign earnings, where are you?
Exchange rate effects on cash. - Geeking Out on the Filings
Campbell Soup gets squeezed.
Disclose your movie plans.
Thoughts on structured data.

Financial Revolutionist Article on Standards for Municipal Market Disruption
Posted October 5, 2018
On October 5, Marc Joffe of the Reason Foundation published an article on Financial Reporting Standards Can Foster Municipal Market Disruption in the Financial Revolutionist. Below is an excerpt from the article: “While fintech start-ups are disrupting many financial markets, the US municipal bond market has been largely left behind. As a result, the $3.9-trillion muni […more]

The coming data revolution in public finance.
Posted September 30, 2018
Axios Advisors’ Triet Nguyen published an article on how financial data standards can impact municipal reporting: The “stodgy” municipal market is on the verge of a Big Data revolution, driven by rising support for adoption of iXBRL, a machine-readable financial reporting standard, and an increasing need for ESG-related data. Read the full article.

FASB Taxonomy – Call for Comment
Event: Monday, September 24 - Friday, November 2, 2018
Process Improvement Effective January 1, 2018, proposed Taxonomy Improvements to this Accounting Standards Update will have a formal comment period concurrent with the issuance of the Accounting Standards Update. This replaces the past practice of an annual 60-day comment period on the entire Taxonomy. Proposed Taxonomy Improvements for Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-13, Financial Instruments—Credit […more]

IFRS Taxonomy – Call for Comment
Event: Wednesday, October 17 - Monday, November 19, 2018
The IASB is asking for feedback on the changes proposed as a consequence of the analysis of common reporting practise of fair value disclosures. The comment period finishes on 19 November. The IASB has posted the taxonomy and supporting materials on it’s web site which can be accessed here.

The Calcbench Insider: September 2018
Posted September 6, 2018
In this issue:
- Leasing Costs Extravaganza
- Q&A on Financial Data Quality
- Geeking Out on the Filings
Cost of revenue and SG&A update Q2
Who is exposed to Turkey?

Reason Foundation Article on XBRL US State & Local Govt Initiative
Posted August 17, 2018
On August 17, Marc Joffe of the Reason Foundation published an article on Making Government Documents Searchable and Machine-Readable to Improve Transparency and Accountability which states: “In Florida, and nationally, Reason Foundation is working to improve the accounting transparency of state and local governments by seeking the mandatory disclosure of government financial documents in a machine-readable […more]

AICPA and XBRL US Cost Study Highlighted in Journal of Accountancy
Posted August 15, 2018
On August 15, the Journal of Accountancy published the article, “XBRL Costs for Small Reporting Companies Have Declined 45% Since 2014” , stating: “The cost of formatting financial statements in Extensible Business Reporting Language, or XBRL, for small reporting companies has plunged 45 percent since 2014, according to a new study by the American Institute of CPAs […more]

2018 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy Changes
Event: 2 PM ET Thursday, May 24, 2018
What’s Changed and How it Will Impact Your Next Filing? On March 16th, 2018 the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) announced support of the 2018 US GAAP Taxonomy. Join Certent experts Austin Terry and Evan Condran to learn everything you need to know to prepare for the new taxonomy. We will discuss an overview of the […more]

Certent DisclosureNet Product Tour
Event: 2 PM EST Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Whether your team is looking to establish best practices or compare disclosure language and footnotes within the proxy of a competitor or peer, join us for this webinar to learn how your team can refine your financial compliance processes and stay ahead of the curve! In this 30-minute demonstration, you’ll learn how Certent DisclosureNet provides […more]

Certent DisclosureNet Product Tour
Event: 2 PM EST Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Whether your team is looking to establish best practices or compare disclosure language and footnotes within the proxy of a competitor or peer, join us for this webinar to learn how your team can refine your financial compliance processes and stay ahead of the curve! In this 30-minute demonstration, you’ll learn how Certent DisclosureNet provides […more]

Certent DisclosureNet Product Tour
Event: 2 PM EST Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Whether your team is looking to establish best practices or compare disclosure language and footnotes within the proxy of a competitor or peer, join us for this webinar to learn how your team can refine your financial compliance processes and stay ahead of the curve! In this 30-minute demonstration, you’ll learn how Certent DisclosureNet provides […more]

Certent DisclosureNet Product Tour
Event: 3 PM EST Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Whether your team is looking to establish best practices or compare disclosure language and footnotes within the proxy of a competitor or peer, join us for this webinar to learn how your team can refine your financial compliance processes and stay ahead of the curve! In this 30-minute demonstration, you’ll learn how Certent DisclosureNet provides […more]

Certent DisclosureNet Product Tour
Event: 2 PM EST Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Whether your team is looking to establish best practices or compare disclosure language and footnotes within the proxy of a competitor or peer, join us for this webinar to learn how your team can refine your financial compliance processes and stay ahead of the curve! In this 30-minute demonstration, you’ll learn how Certent DisclosureNet provides […more]

In Focus: 2018 GAAP and SEC Taxonomies Improvements, Including New Revenue Modeling, and SEC Update
Event: 1 PM EST Tuesday, April 3, 2018
During this webinar, the FASB staff will demonstrate how to apply the new modeling using example disclosures. In addition, the SEC staff will provide an update. Participants in the live broadcast will be eligible for 1.8 hours (Specialized Knowledge and Applications) of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit.

The Calcbench Insider: March 2018
Posted March 8, 2018
In this issue:
- Calcbench and Tax Reform
- Amazon Segment Disclosures and HQ2
- Dunkin Donuts and the Ice Cream Adjustment
- An Early Peek at Share Repurchase Programs

The Calcbench Insider: February 2018
Posted February 6, 2018
In this issue:
- New earnings release tools
- Cash: Yep, companies had lots of it.
- Early look at leasing costs.

XBRL for IFRS – Tips and Tricks for First Time Users
Event: 10:00 AM ET Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Understanding the big picture Identifying areas of risk including situations associated with inaccurate or untimely submissions Time saving review tips and tricks Industry best practice discussion Speakers: Chase Bongirno, Director of XBRL at Toppan Vintage Patrick Loughry, XBRL Subject Matter Expert at Toppan Vintage

Calcbench Newsletter (December 2017)
Posted December 7, 2017
In this issue:
In this issue:
- Talking about bitcoin
- Corporate financial highlights
- Breakups can be painful

Novaworks Recap – CFA Investor Forum Explores an Earnings Release Case Study
Posted December 6, 2017
This Novaworks article recaps a presentation & audience discussion with Michelle Savage, Vice President of Communication for XBRL US, and Scott Theis, CEO of Novaworks, LLC and Chairman of XBRL US’s Domain Steering Committee, on the proposed development of an XBRL taxonomy to represent the data held within the release, which could be beneficial to […more]

Gear Up for Year-End Financial Reporting
Event: 2 PM ET Thursday, December 7, 2017
Improving the quality of your company’s financial reports is a critical element to your job, but looming deadlines and disjointed workflows can make this task feel impossible. Even when time is not on your side, there are strategic processes you can implement today that will streamline your company’s financial reporting process while improving quality. Join […more]

Novaworks Recap – CFA Investor Forum Discusses Who’s Using XBRL and Why
Posted November 15, 2017
This Novaworks article recaps CFA’s Investor Forum 2017, where a panel of industry experts discussed case studies that illustrate XBRL’s use in accounting and financial reporting and the rationale behind its adoption. This panel discussed different ways in which XBRL is employed in the financial sector.

Altova’s MobileTogether Continues to Redefine Mobile Development in Version 2.0
Posted November 10, 2017
Today Altova® (http://www.altova.com) announced new features in the 2.0 release of MobileTogether, its paradigm shifting mobile development framework for multi-platform, data-centric apps. What’s revolutionary about MobileTogether? Using your in-house developers with no mobile development experience necessary, you can create sophisticated, native apps for all platforms in record time: anywhere from a couple days to a […more]

Altova’s MobileTogether Continues to Redefine Mobile Development in Version 2.0
Posted November 10, 2017
Today Altova® (http://www.altova.com) announced added support for a number of XBRL-related standards in Version 2020 of RaptorXML+XBRL Server. Adding to comprehensive support for numerous XBRL standards, the high-performance XBRL server now supports Data Types Registry (DTR) and Extensible Enumerations 2.0, and includes a complete XULE processor for ensuring your XBRL filings maintain consistency and are […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (November 2017)
Posted November 9, 2017
In this issue:
- Advanced Calcbench: How to use the XBRL Data Query tool
- Tracking disclosure of hurricane damage
- Time to regulate the unicorns?

CFA Institute Publishes Blog: Realizing the Potential of Structured Data
Posted October 6, 2017
Despite its presence and use for several years now, XBRL has not achieved its full potential for either investors or companies in the United States. One reason is that companies continue to see structured data as a compliance and cost burden, and they have shared these views with regulators. Securities regulators worldwide are examining costs […more]

Altova’s Version 2018 Release Includes HTTP Testing Window and 3-Way Diff Headline
Posted October 3, 2017
Altova® (http://www.altova.com) announced the release of Version 2018 of its MissionKit desktop developer tools and server software products. This release introduces exciting new functionality across the product line including an HTTP Testing Window, 3-way diff/merge, significant speed improvements in the XSLT engine, updated standards support, and much more. “By adding cutting edge features to every […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (September 2017)
Posted September 7, 2017
In this issue:
- Health of the health insurers
- Business services sector: key metrics
- Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s list of priorities for inspecting audit firms this year
- FASB’s new standard for hedge accounting

2018 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy/Shared Reporting Taxonomy Proposed Improvements and SEC Update
Event: 1:00 PM ET Tuesday, October 3, 2017
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is holding a webcast to discuss proposed improvements to the 2018 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy Release (2018 Taxonomy Release) for recently issued FASB Accounting Standards Updates and other projects; as well as the new for 2018 Shared Reporting Taxonomy. In addition, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission staff will […more]

2018 Reporting Taxonomy Public Reviews
Event: September 1 - Tuesday, October 31, 2017
The proposed 2018 U.S. Financial Reporting Taxonomy and Shared Reporting Taxonomy are now available. Interested parties should review and provide feedback on these proposed 2018 taxonomies by October 31, 2017.
Watch an October 3 FASB webinar replay about these taxonomies.

Calcbench Newsletter (July 2017)
Posted July 13, 2017
In this issue:
- Sector in focus: Gift card revenue in retail
- Mentioning Trump Administration in risk factors
- New reporting technology catching on

Calcbench Newsletter (June 2017)
Posted June 13, 2017
In this issue:
- Employee severance costs, 2014-2017
- Gleaning intelligence on Hulu’s finances
- SEC speaks on new revenue standard

The SEC and XBRL – New Developments in Financial Reporting
Event: 1:00 PM EDT Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Financial reporting is changing! The new structured data (XBRL) format for disclosing financial information has significant impact to all SEC filers. The SEC is now consuming XBRL data with increasing frequency and sophistication and recently proposed a new Inline XBRL format. Are you up-to-speed on the new developments? Join us for this complimentary webinar and […more]

XBRL for IFRS – Implementation
Event: 11:00 AM EDT Thursday, May 25, 2017
Includes: IFRS taxonomy update and review, training tips, SEC deadlines, filing success plans and implementation options. Speaker: Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US

Altova Launches MobileTogether 3.2 with New Features for NFC, Text-to-speech, and More
Posted May 11, 2017
Altova announced the release of MobileTogether 3.2, its cross-platform mobile development framework. This release introduces over 18 important new features for building sophisticated, data-centric mobile apps. Highlights include support for NFC (near field communication), the ability to access mobile device contacts, text-to-speech functionality, numerous enhancements for table and chart creation, and much more. “With each […more]

Invitation to Comment on Efficiency and Effectiveness of GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy
Event: Wednesday, May 10 - Thursday, June 15, 2017
The Financial Accounting Standards Board’s Invitation to Comment is designed to allow it to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the U.S. GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy.
Comments are due by Thursday, June 15, 2017.

Calcbench Newsletter (May 2017)
Posted May 4, 2017
In this issue:
- Goodwill impairment turns around
- Leasing costs in the Internet sector
- Patterns in deferred revenue, 2011-2016

DATA Act Hackathon
Event: Thursday, April 27 - Friday, April 28, 2017
With the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 (DATA Act), federal agencies and citizens alike now have access to federal spending data that can answer that question. But access to the data is just the first step toward gaining insight, assessing performance, and making decisions. In order to not only understand where the money […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (April 2017)
Posted April 6, 2017
In this issue:
- Reading the tea leaves of net income in Q4
- R&D Spending on the Rise, 2013-2016
- Long look at banking sector interest income

Altova Tools Receive Upgrades and Innovative Features in Latest Release
Posted April 5, 2017
Altova announced the release of Version 2017 Release 3 of its MissionKit desktop developer tools and server software products. This release includes new revolutionary back-mapping of XSLT and XQuery output in XMLSpy, a powerful new ‘join’ component for data mapping in MapForce, and the ability to convert a StyleVision design to a MobileTogether mobile app […more]

2017 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy Improvements and SEC Update
Event: 1:00 PM EDT Tuesday, March 28, 2017
The upcoming webcast will discuss the 2017 GAAP Taxonomy Release and cover enhancements that improve usability and include an update on current XBRL initiatives from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) staff. Topics that are expected to be discussed include: Update from the SEC staff Overview of the 2017 Taxonomy Release with a focus […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (March 2017)
Posted March 7, 2017
In this issue:
- An early look at 2016 annual reports
- Operating margins at large filers, 2013-2016
- Share repurchase programs, through Q3 2016

Calcbench Newsletter (February 2017)
Posted February 7, 2017
In this issue:
- U.S vs International Sales at Large Filers.
- Early look at large banks’ 2016 revenue streams.
- Revenue and PPE trends in retail.
- Sizing the FCPA pipeline.
- FASB proposes tweaks to debt classification.
- Look, a non-GAAP enforcement action!

SEC Reporting & Filing in the Trump Administration: Advising Your Corporate Clients
Event: 1:00 PM ET Thursday, January 26, 2017
Join this 60-minute webinar moderated by Bradley Smith of Vintage, where panelists will discuss considerations for advising your clients, and strategies for maintaining compliance in a landscape with potential to change drastically. Panelists: Julie H. Valpey Assurance Partner, National SEC Department, Head of Global Offerings and Support Services, BDO Jane Whitt Sellers Partner, McGuireWoods LLP […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (January 2017)
Posted January 10, 2017
In this issue: Walmart anti-corruption costs. Walmart has been mired in a long-running investigation of possible bribery to secure permits in Mexico, India, and elsewhere. Just how much money has this cost the world’s largest company since the investigation began in 2011? At least $820 million—a number you can find quickly and easily in the […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (December 2016)
Posted December 8, 2016
In this issue: Predictive analysis and going concern warnings. A new standard goes into effect this month to impose more discipline around how companies assess their ability to continue as a going concern. Calcbench did an experiment to see how quickly we could identify filers with multiple poor financial metrics—which, in turn, could help analysts […more]

The SEC and XBRL: Financial Reporting in a New Light
Event: 1 PM ET Thursday, December 1, 2016
Join Merrill Corporation and its guests for this complimentary webinar and hear our expert panel discuss the areas that are critical to understanding the fast-paced world of XBRL, including how the SEC and analysts are realizing significant benefits from its use; and how this impacts all SEC reporting companies.

Make Your Proxy Pop!
Event: 2 PM ET Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Move your proxy report from mere compliance to valuable communication with your shareholders. The presentation and narrative supporting your data can sometimes be more impactful than the numbers themselves. In this 60 minute webinar, you will learn how to use visuals to highlight important data and add personality while conveying the larger strategic picture via […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (November 2016)
Posted November 10, 2016
In this issue: Time between filing the earnings release and the 10-Q. Ever wonder how much time companies take between filing their earnings release and then following up with the Form 10-Q to report those earnings? We did, so we did some digging. While the average time gap in second-quarter 2016 was four days, when […more]

Altova releases 2017 MissionKit
Posted October 5, 2016
Big Data, Database, and XBRL Tools Get a Huge Boost It’s time for the latest release of Altova’s MissionKit and server software products, and this one delivers a huge boost in functionality for working with big data, databases, XBRL, and much more. With support for Apache Avro in multiple products, additional databases and […more]

5 Steps to Improved Financial Reporting
Event: 2:00 PM EDT Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Improving the quality of your company’s financial reports is a critical element to your job, but looming deadlines and disjointed workflows can make this task feel impossible. Even when time is not on your side, there are strategic processes you can implement today that will streamline your company’s financial reporting process while improving quality. Join […more]

Certent Disclosure Management Platform Overview
Event: 2 PM ET Thursday, December 8, 2016
Join Certent for a 30 minute demonstration of the Certent Disclosure Management platform. Certent staff will discuss how they can help you collaborate, communicate and connect – streamlining your financial reporting process. The session will also explore how you can eliminate “pencils down” and gain: Improved document management, analytics, and quality assurance One-click filing to the SEC in XBRL […more]

Certent Disclosure Research Overview
Event: 1:30 PM EDT Thursday, October 13, 2016
Join us for a 30 min. demonstration to learn more about Certent Disclosure Research. Disclosure Research provides quick, intuitive access to more than 20 million public filings to locate qualitative, unstructured data. Whether your team is looking to establish best practices or compare disclosure language and footnotes within the proxy of a competitor or peer, […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (September 2016)
Posted September 9, 2016
For those who took a summer vacation in August, Calcbench has been busy expanding our product lineup and doing more dabbling in financial data research. Whether you’re new to our products or looking to learn more about how we can improve your day-to-day, we hope you find the newsletter useful.

Certent Regional XBRL Training Event- Cincinnati
Event: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT Friday, September 16, 2016
Join Certent for a morning of CPE learning, and upgrade your XBRL knowledge. Our experts will deepen your skills and bring you the latest information on XBRL. You will learn: Implications for your company’s filings from the recently released changes to the taxonomy. How to correctly address specific XBRL challenges such as the treatment of […more]

2017 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy Public Review
Event: September 1 - Monday, October 31, 2016
The proposed 2017 U.S. Financial Reporting Taxonomy contains updates for accounting standards and other improvements since the 2016 Taxonomy as used by issuers filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Interested parties should review and provide feedback on this Proposed 2017 Taxonomy by October 31, 2016.

2017 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy Changes and SEC Update
Event: 1:00 PM ET Tuesday, October 4, 2016
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is holding a webcast to discuss the 2017 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy Release for recently issued FASB Accounting Standards Updates and other significant changes. In addition, the webcast will include an update from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission staff.

FASB Announces Public Review of Proposed 2017 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy
Posted September 1, 2016
The proposed 2017 U.S. Financial Reporting Taxonomy contains updates for accounting standards and other improvements since the 2016 Taxonomy as used by issuers filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Interested parties are encouraged to review and provide feedback on the Proposed 2017 Taxonomy. The 60-day comment period ends October 31, 2016, and […more]

XBRL 101
Event: 2 PM EDT Wednesday, September 7, 2016
eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) standardizes the way companies communicate and present business information by applying computer readable tags to information across financial statements and other mandatory periodic reporting filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). With the SEC putting a closer eye to the quality of public disclosures, now is a critical time […more]

Certent Regional XBRL Training Event- Boston
Event: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Join Certent for a morning of CPE learning, and upgrade your XBRL knowledge. Our experts will deepen your skills and bring you the latest information on XBRL. You will learn: Implications for your company’s filings from the recently released changes to the taxonomy. How to correctly address specific XBRL challenges such as the treatment of […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (August 2016)
Posted August 4, 2016
During one recent expedition into the Calcbench databases we took a look at patterns of deferred revenue, and how steady those numbers have been as a portion of corporate revenue overall. Check out this month’s newsletter to see how much corporate cash streams depend on deferred revenue (and which may feel some stress in future […more]

Certent Disclosure Management Platform Overview
Event: 2 PM EDT Thursday, September 1, 2016
Join Certent for a 30 minute demonstration of the Certent Disclosure Management platform. Certent staff will discuss how they can help you collaborate, communicate and connect – streamlining your financial reporting process. The session will also explore how you can eliminate “pencils down” and gain: Improved document management, analytics, and quality assurance One-click filing to the SEC in XBRL […more]

Workiva Customer Submits First Inline XBRL Filing with the SEC
Posted July 5, 2016
Workiva, creator of the Wdesk cloud-based productivity platform for enterprises, announced today that one of its customers used Wdesk to submit the first Inline XBRL filing to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Friday, July 1, 2016.

Certent Disclosure Research Overview
Event: 1:30 PM EDT Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Join us for a 30 min. demonstration to learn more about Certent Disclosure Research. Disclosure Research provides quick, intuitive access to more than 20 million public filings to locate qualitative, unstructured data. Whether your team is looking to establish best practices or compare disclosure language and footnotes within the proxy of a competitor or peer, […more]

Data Coalition News (June 16, 2016)
Posted June 16, 2016
The latest: SEC Announces Voluntary Inline XBRL Filings Third Annual DATA Act Summit: A Critical Tipping Point Reached, but Big Challenges Remain to be Solved in 2017 Watch the Morning Sessions from DATA Act Summit Read Former OMB Director Shelley Metzenbaum’s Keynote Speech from DATA Act Summit

Workiva supports Inline XBRL
Posted June 16, 2016
The SEC has released new rules that allow companies to voluntarily file data in the Inline XBRL format. This milestone shows the value that the SEC places on XBRL data, data quality, and reducing the regulatory burden.

Managing SEC Financial Disclosure With A SaaS Solution
Event: 1 PM ET Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Join Merrill Corporation for an upcoming webinar being held exclusively for companies either currently using or considering a web-based platform for financial disclosure management. This event is offered several times – use the registration link to select a session that fits your schedule Presenter: Lisa LaSota, Director, Technical Sales, Merrill Corporation The learning objectives for this […more]

Certent Disclosure Management to Support Inline XBRL
Posted June 15, 2016
Certent Disclosure Management will provide companies the ability to create and submit Inline XBRL documents in time for the September 30, 2016 filing season. The platform’s integration of Inline XBRL will allow clients to easily incorporate the creation of the new Inline XBRL document into their existing SEC submission process.

Inline XBRL
Event: 3:00 PM EDT Thursday, June 16, 2016
Join Rob Blake, director of product management at Certent and founding member of XBRL reporting standard, as he discusses the SEC’s recent announcement supporting Inline XBRL requirements. In this 30 minute session, Blake will explore: What are the details of the SEC’s voluntary program announcement? What is Inline XBRL? How can you prepare to adopt […more]

Managing SEC Financial Disclosure With A SaaS Solution
Event: 1 PM ET Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Join Merrill Corporation for an upcoming webinar being held exclusively for companies either currently using or considering a web-based platform for financial disclosure management. This event is offered several times – use the registration link to select a session that fits your schedule Presenter: Lisa LaSota, Director, Technical Sales, Merrill Corporation The learning objectives for this […more]

5 Strategies For High Quality XBRL
Event: 2:00 PM EDT Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Whether you are tagging your company’s financial documents in-house or working with an outsourcing vendor, making sure your disclosures are high quality is critical. The pressure of looming deadlines can sometimes lead to compromised quality, but it doesn’t have to. While XBRL is a labor-intensive task, by implementing these 5 tips you and your team […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (June 2016)
Posted June 2, 2016
Historical data is always useful to good financial analysis, so Calcbench has decided to serve up a bunch more of it to our customers. When researching a company (through the Company in Detail page), you can now use our Show All History feature to see all line items the company has disclosed—including line items a […more]

Managing SEC Financial Disclosure With A SaaS Solution
Event: 1 PM ET Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Join Merrill Corporation for an upcoming webinar being held exclusively for companies either currently using or considering a web-based platform for financial disclosure management. This event is offered several times – use the registration link to select a session that fits your schedule Presenter: Lisa LaSota, Director, Technical Sales, Merrill Corporation The learning objectives for this […more]

Gartner Names Workiva a Leader in 2016 Magic Quadrant for Financial Corporate Performance Management Solutions
Posted June 1, 2016
Workiva, creator of the Wdesk cloud-based productivity platform for enterprises, today announced that Gartner, Inc. has positioned Workiva as a Leader in its May 31, 2016 Magic Quadrant* for Financial Corporate Performance Management Solutions (FCPM). Gartner’s FCPM market includes solutions in financial consolidation, financial reporting, management reporting, costing and forecasting, reconciliations/close management, intercompany transactions and […more]

Managing SEC Financial Disclosure With A SaaS Solution
Event: 1 PM ET Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Join Merrill Corporation for an upcoming webinar being held exclusively for companies either currently using or considering a web-based platform for financial disclosure management. This event is offered several times – use the registration link to select a session that fits your schedule Presenter: Lisa LaSota, Director, Technical Sales, Merrill Corporation The learning objectives for this […more]

Managing SEC Financial Disclosure With A SaaS Solution
Event: 1 PM ET Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Join Merrill Corporation for an upcoming webinar being held exclusively for companies either currently using or considering a web-based platform for financial disclosure management. This event is offered several times – use the registration link to select a session that fits your schedule Presenter: Lisa LaSota, Director, Technical Sales, Merrill Corporation The learning objectives for this […more]

Certent Disclosure Management Platform Overview
Event: 1:30 PM EDT Thursday, June 16, 2016
Join Certent for a 30 minute demonstration of the Certent Disclosure Management platform. Certent staff will discuss how they can help you collaborate, communicate and connect – streamlining your financial reporting process. The session will also explore how you can eliminate “pencils down” and gain: Improved document management, analytics, and quality assurance One-click filing to the SEC in XBRL […more]

New Developments in SEC XBRL Reporting
Event: 1 PM ET Tuesday, June 21, 2016
The critical nature and pace of developments in SEC structured data (XBRL) reporting have intensified; plus the use of XBRL data is more widespread and increasingly sophisticated. Join Merrill Corporation for this complimentary webinar to learn how the SEC, investors and XBRL US are all actively responding to the changing environment.

SEC Looking More Closely at XBRL Filings
Posted May 16, 2016
Lou Rohman, vice president of XBRL services at Merrill Corporation, a member of XBRL US’s Data Quality Committee, recommends that financial statement preparers take a closer look at the guidance being issued by his committee. Documents on the committee’s website provide guidance and validation rules that should be used for the filings. “The SEC gets […more]

DATA Act Summit
Event: 8 AM EDT Thursday, May 26, 2016
The third annual DATA Act Summit will bring together supporters of the open data transformation from across government and the private sector.

Altova Introduces Work in Process (WIP) XBRL Add-In for Excel
Posted May 12, 2016
The Altova Work in Process (WIP) XBRL add-in for Excel makes it easy for contractors to submit WIP reports to sureties in a valid XBRL format – simply by entering the information into a spreadsheet in Excel. Learn more.

Tackling Your XBRL Review with Confidence
Event: 2 PM EDT Wednesday, May 25, 2016
By the end of this webinar, you will be able to: Review the US-GAAP Taxonomy and tag updates Understand US-GAAP Taxonomy updates and know when to update your taxonomy Learn how to review the three main tag attributes (period type, balance type, data type) Learn how and when to create extended tags for your custom […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (May 2016)
Posted May 5, 2016
Spending on share-based compensation to employees is always an interesting item for financial analysts, so we recently did a study of how much the S&P 500 have been spending on line item over the last four years. Among the companies that do spend money on equity compensation (23 percent of the S&P 500 do not), […more]

Workiva XBRL Essentials Training
Event: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Thursday, May 26, 2016
Workiva, the SEC reporting solution market leader with the highest volume of XBRL facts filed, is hosting an XBRL training provided by experts for a day-long workshop of CPE learning. Participants of the training will be taken from the fundamentals of XBRL through the steps towards ensuring data quality in your filing. You will learn: […more]

FASB Publishes Video on Importance of GAAP Taxonomy
Posted April 27, 2016
On April 27, the FASB published a new video on the US GAAP Taxonomy: Why It’s Important. Members of the FASB XBRL Team provide context around key aspects of the GAAP Taxonomy.

Merrill’s Dimensions Newsletter – April 2016
Posted April 21, 2016
Filers on alert as XBRL consumption soars and market adoption takes hold. XBRL submissions have quickly and quietly become a key source of data relied on by the SEC, and spawned many innovative products for use by financial analysts and individual investors. Major data providers, including Bloomberg and S&P Capital IQ, now incorporate XBRL disclosure […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (April 2016)
Posted April 5, 2016
Big changes are coming to how companies account for leasing activity. By 2019, the cost of operating leases will need to be moved from disclosure in the footnotes to disclosure on the balance sheet—with potentially big consequences for companies. Calcbench has taken a preliminary look at how large those new balance sheet disclosures might be […more]

Formatting Fundamentals Equal Remarkable Reporting
Event: 3:30 PM EDT Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Back to Basics You’ve been in financial reporting for years, or maybe you’re new to the job. Either way, you know formatting can make all the difference to your internal and external reporting processes and can significantly impact the experience of your readers. In this 60 minute CPE session, you will gather tips and tricks […more]

Certent Disclosure Management Overview
Event: 1 PM EDT Thursday, March 24, 2016
Join Certent for a 30 minute demonstration of the Certent Disclosure Management platform. Certent staff will discuss how they can help you collaborate, communicate and connect – streamlining your financial reporting process. The session will also explore how you can eliminate “pencils down” and gain: Improved document management, analytics, and quality assurance One-click filing to the SEC in XBRL […more]

Certent NorCal Regional XBRL Training
Event: 8 AM - 2 PM PDT Monday, May 23, 2016
Join Certent for a morning of CPE learning, and upgrade your XBRL knowledge. Our experts will deepen your skills and bring you the latest information on XBRL. You will learn: Implications for your company’s filings from the recently released changes to the taxonomy. How to correctly address specific XBRL challenges such as the treatment of […more]

SEC Comments Letters Impact on the Rulemaking Process
Event: 2 PM EDT Thursday, March 31, 2016
As the SEC begins to pick up the pace of Dodd-Frank rule making, RR Donnelley and Financial Executives International (FEI) conducted a study to shed light on the SEC commenting process, with a focus on components of effective comment letters and their impact on the rule making process. Join a panel of experts as they […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (March 2016)
Posted March 3, 2016
Calcbench conducted a Q&A interview with Jack Ciesielski, head of the Analyst’s Accounting Observer, to get his thoughts on OCI and AOCI: how to understand its intended purpose, what should be reported there, and its potential to cause financial analysis headaches. Read below to see what else Calcbench is doing to provide sharper, more precise […more]

FinTech Forum Announced: Smart Contracts, Blockchain & Data Standards, April 4, NYC
Posted February 25, 2016
Financial technologists, investors, analysts, regulators, investor relations professionals and data providers are invited to the free FinTech Forum: Smart Contracts, Blockchain & Data Standards. The blockchain is a distributed public ledger that describes confirmed transactions between counterparties, and that prevents tampering or revision. Best known as the enabling technology behind BitCoin, the blockchain promises significant new ways to transact a vast array of transactions that today rely on trusted intermediaries.

Merrill Corporation’s Mike Schlanger Elected Vice Chairman of XBRL US Board of Directors
Posted February 24, 2016
Merrill Corporation, a global provider of secure content sharing, regulated communications and disclosure services, announced that Mike Schlanger, an XBRL industry leader and member of the XBRL US Board of Directors since 2009, has been elected to serve as Vice Chairman of the XBRL US Board. His appointment is effective immediately. Read the release

Calcbench Newsletter (February 2016)
Posted February 2, 2016
10-K Season is Here! The first few months of the calendar year are when most financial analysts prepare to start crunching data from companies filing their prior year’s statements. Through its Earnings Indicator, Calcbench is already tracking fourth-quarter results disclosed by 313 companies as of Feb. 1. So far that group has seen revenue up 1 […more]

FEI Daily: The XBRL US Center For Data Quality: How It Will Help Filers Produce Accurate XBRL Disclosures
Posted January 27, 2016
Mistakes in XBRL-tagged (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) financial disclosures remain a major concern for companies, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the market. To help filers tag XBRL data accurately XBRL US and several major companies have established the XBRL US Center for Data Quality. This initiative seeks to address public concerns about XBRL and improve […more]

FASB Announces Availability of 2016 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy Pending SEC Acceptance
Posted December 17, 2015
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) today announced the availability of the 2016 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy (Taxonomy) pending final acceptance by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The FASB staff is responsible for the ongoing development and maintenance of the Taxonomy applicable to public issuers registered with the SEC. The GAAP Financial Reporting […more]

Altova Publishes New Company Financials App for Android, iOS and Windows
Posted December 16, 2015
Altova just published the free Company Financials App for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows 8.1/10 that lets you explore and analyze US public company high-level financial reports automatically extracted from XBRL filings in the SEC’s EDGAR database. You can search by company name or stock ticker symbol and view the financial reports of the […more]

New RaptorXML Scripts Added: XBRL US DQC Rules, EFM V35 and EBA Filing Rules
Posted December 11, 2015
Altova is a member of XBRL US and has recently joined the XBRL US Center for Data Quality to support the Data Quality Committee’s initiative to address the public’s concerns about the quality and usability of XBRL financial data filed with the SEC. As such, we are pleased to announce that we have just released […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (December 2015)
Posted December 1, 2015
Since early October, Calcbench has been incorporating non-interactive data in the form of ‘Earnings Press Releases’ into its platform. Calcbench maps the income statement and balance sheet items from the release into the financial statements for easy comparability. More on this and the full newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bH1ni1

MobileTogether Continues to Redefine Mobile Development in Version 2.0
Posted November 10, 2015
Today Altova® (http://www.altova.com) announced new features in the 2.0 release of MobileTogether, its paradigm shifting mobile development framework for multi-platform, data- centric apps. What’s revolutionary about MobileTogether? Using your in-house developers with no mobile development experience necessary, you can create sophisticated, native apps for all platforms in record time: anywhere from a couple days to […more]

Calcbench Newsletter (October 2015)
Posted October 7, 2015
Calcbench has entered into a relationship with the SEC that will provide a significant number of analysts access to its platform, normalized metrics, raw XBRL search tools, data about XBRL filing errors, and more. It’s a great step forward for the XBRL movement and finance professionals as a whole. More on this and the full newsletter: http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f573a7b42cdce2d803a4ecbcf&id=e17267cc23

Altova Debuts JSON Schema Editor, Data Mapping Debugger, and More
Posted September 30, 2015
Altova® (http://www.altova.com), today announced the release of Version 2016 of its MissionKit desktop developer tools and server software products. This latest release introduces innovative new functionality including the first enterprise-grade graphical JSON Schema editor in XMLSpy, the revolutionary, long-anticipated MapForce Data Mapping Debugger for diagnosing and perfecting data mapping projects, Windows 10 support and updated […more]

CFA Institute’s Sandra Peters to Keynote XBRL US Investor Forum, November 4 in New York
Posted September 29, 2015
Speakers from Bloomberg, Credit Suisse, OFR/Treasury, SEC, S&P Capital IQ confirmed XBRL US today announced a ½ day forum for investors, analysts, regulators, data and analytical tool providers: Improving Financial Analysis through Structured Data. The forum is hosted by Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business at their E. 25th Street campus and offered through partnerships […more]

Dimensions – The Newsletter for Compliance Professionals
Posted September 7, 2015
September 2015: http://resources.merrillcorp.com/DimensionsV21 Seven Rules Proposed By The New XBRL US Center For Data Quality FASB Finalizes Four Taxonomy Implementation Guides And Proposes Another EDGAR No Longer Supports 2013 GAAP Taxonomy For XBRL Tagging Proposed SEC Disclosure On Clawbacks Will Need To Be Tagged In XBRL Noted XBRL Expert Joins The SEC’s Division Of Economic And […more]

FASB Publishes 2016 Proposed GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy for Review & Comment
Posted September 1, 2015
On September 1, the FASB announced the opening of a public review and comment period for the 2016 release of the XBRL US GAAP Taxonomy. The exposure period ends October 31, 2015. Read the FASB release here.

Center Formed to Address XBRL Data Quality Concerns
Posted June 24, 2015
Market leaders join forces to improve the utility of XBRL data XBRL US and an alliance of five companies – Merrill Corporation, RDG Filings, RR Donnelley, Vintage (a Division of PR Newswire), and Workiva Inc. – today announced the joint formation of the XBRL US Center for Data Quality to improve the utility of XBRL […more]
Altova Meets the Need for Speed Head on with its Latest Release
Posted June 10, 2015
Hyper-fast validation speeds for XML and XBRL, even more flexibility for data integration processes, and more Beverly, Mass., June 10, 2015 – Altova® (http://www.altova.com) today announced the availability of Version 2015 Release 4 (v2015r4) of its Altova MissionKit desktop developer tools and complete line of server software products. This release provides new functionality to greatly […more]
Altova Launches Version 2019 and Brings the Future into Clearer Focus
Posted June 10, 2015
Altova® (http://www.altova.com) announced the release of Version 2019 of its MissionKit desktop developer tools and server software products. This release overhauls the UIs of XMLSpy and UModel to provide support for high-PPI (pixel per inch) monitors, such as UHD, 4K, and Retina displays, bringing the graphical editing views these products are known for into even […more]
Top 10 Robust Enhancements That Just Made MobileTogether Even Better
Posted April 23, 2015
Beverly, Mass., April 23, 2015 – Altova® (http://www.altova.com) today announced the availability of MobileTogether® 1.5. Version 1.5 includes more than 18 important new features and enhancements, adding even more power to this unique, multi-platform mobile development framework for building and deploying in-house app solutions. “We are constantly working to add new features to make development […more]
Financial Regulation Summit to Feature Rep. Hultgren, SEC Chief Economist
Thursday, February 12, 2015 - The Data Transparency Coalition and RR Donnelley are pleased to announce that Representative Randy Hultgren (R-IL), a member of the House Financial Services Committee, and Securities and Exchange Commission Chief Economist Mark Flannery will participate in the inaugural Financial Regulation Summit: Data Transparency Transformation.
Mobile Cross-Platform Framework Updated to Add Android 5, Geo-location Support
Thursday, February 12, 2015 - Altova® announced the release of version 1.4 of its multi-platform mobile development framework, MobileTogether®. MobileTogether is an easy to use solution that enables companies of any size to quickly design and deploy custom enterprise mobile solutions that are accessible on any mobile device. This release has robust support for geolocation services, support for the latest versions of Android and iOS® mobile device operating systems, and much more.
Altova Announces Commercial Availability of MobileTogether & the Top 10 Reasons Your Business Needs It Now
Monday, November 10, 2014 - Altova® announced the commercial availability of MobileTogether®, a new, cross-platform mobile development environment. Beta testers of the platform agree: MobileTogether finally makes it practical for businesses to connect to their back-end data and create enterprise mobile solutions for their workforce - regardless of which devices they use - in record time. Read the top 10 reasons you should be looking at this solution for your organization.
Altova Launches Version 2015
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - This release offers exciting new features including support for XQuery Update Facility in XMLSpy®, JSON data mapping and conversion in MapForce®, enhanced support for XBRL Table Linkbase and XBRL Formula in multiple products, performance-enhancing options for workflow automation, and much more.
Time is Running Out to Register for the Next Data Transparency Breakfast
Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - Data Transparency Breakfast: Transforming Government Reporting Around the World When: Tuesday, July 29th, 7:30 am - 9 am Where: Microsoft Innovation and Policy Center 901 K Street NW 11th Floor Washington DC 20001
MobileTogether Public Beta Announced
Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - MobileTogether is a drag-and-drop mobile development environment that lets organizations connect to back-end data to create mobile solutions for their end users – in record time. Features: Cross-platform support with native apps for Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8, Windows 8, & more || Connectivity to all major SQL databases, XML, HTML, Web services, etc. || Drag and drop design process that requires no manual coding || Mobile solutions are created in-house, by current development team || No knowledge of mobile programming languages required || Elegant mobile solutions deployed in days – not weeks or months || Instant updates to existing mobile solutions If you would be interested in scheduling a briefing and/or demo of this new product, please don’t hesitate to contact me at: 978.816.1567 or via email at: cindy.neely@us.altova.com
Altova MobileTogether Lets You Design Powerful Mobile Solutions in Record-Time and Deploy Them to All Device Platforms
Monday, May 12, 2014 - Altova® announced the upcoming release of Altova MobileTogether®, a unique cross-platform mobile solution that enables companies to easily put relevant data at the fingertips of their employees, wherever they are. Using MobileTogether, companies design custom enterprise mobile solutions that are accessible on any mobile device, with native support for Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8, and Windows 8 smartphones and tablets, as well as any other device via a browser-based client.
Members of Congress Push DATA Act at House Oversight Hearing
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 - Senators Tom Carper (D-DE) and Tom Coburn (R-OK) appeared January 9 before a hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform addressing the issue of "Waste in Government."
DATA Act Passes U.S. House
Monday, November 18, 2013 - The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act) passed the United States House of Representatives this evening by a 388-1 vote. The landmark transparency bill (H.R. 2061) would standardize and publish federal spending data.
Government must lead the way on structured data
Monday, November 04, 2013 - Data Coalition CEO Hudson Hollister on the lessons Congress can learn from the SEC's transformation to structured data.
Coalition announces first federal open data policy conference
Tuesday, July 16, 2013 - On September 10th, the Data Transparency Coalition will host Data Transparency 2013, the first public conference to explore the standardization and publication of the U.S. federal government's data - from regulatory filings to spending data to consumer disclosures.
Data Transparency Coalition Applauds Simultaneous Introduction of Bipartisan DATA Act in House and Senate
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 - Coalition Says that by Opening Federal Spending, DATA Act would Enable Anti-Fraud Analytics, Create Tech Business Opportunities, and Ensure Accountability for Taxpayers
DATA Demo Day May 16 Hosted by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Tuesday, May 07, 2013 - On May 16, at 10am, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will host a public "DATA Demonstration Day" to show how today’s data technologies could illuminate waste and fraud, improve federal management, and enhance taxpayer accountability if federal spending data were fully standardized and published, as would be required by the proposed Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act).
CFTC Dodd-Frank Data "Unusable" As a Result of Inconsistent Data Formats
Monday, April 22, 2013 - The CFTC now collects data on thousands of swap transactions daily - with over a thousand data points on each swap. Unfortunately, as CFTC Commissioner Scott O'Malia put it, the data is "unusable." The mess is attributable to the CFTC’s failure to set data standards for the new reporting requirements – and, ultimately, to Congress’ failure to include data standards as a component of the Dodd-Frank reporting mandate.
Tech Companies Praise President Obama’s Embrace of Data Transparency for Nonprofit Tax Returns in 2014 Budget
Thursday, April 11, 2013 - The Data Transparency Coalition, the only trade association unifying the technology industry in support of federal data reform, today applauded President Obama for including a landmark data transparency initiative as part of his proposed budget for fiscal year 2014.
Coalition Lobbies Congress for the Reintroduction of the Financial Industry Transparency Act
Monday, April 08, 2013 - On April 4, members of the Data Transparency Coalition met with key Capitol Hill offices to urge the reintroduction of the Financial Industry Transparency Act of 2010 (“FIT Act”). The FIT Act will require U.S. financial regulators to adopt standard structured data formats for all regulatory filings; use government-wide, nonproprietary identifiers, such as the Legal Entity Identifier, for entities, instruments, and transactions; and make all public filings easily available online.
SEC Enforces Use of XII Units Registry
Friday, March 29, 2013 - DataTracks, a global leader in XBRL services, with seven years’ track record and more than 12,000 XBRL statements per annum in US and UK announced plans to launch a next generation "minds on, hands off" XBRL service to financial printers and corporations in the United States. This means that, if a filer or their service provider creates an element for which the units have already been defined in the Units Registry, they must use the unit type as defined in the registry. Using unit type that does not match Unit Registry will result in the XBRL submission failure. This applies to all filings that are created using the 2012 US GAAP Taxonomy and of course, will apply to the 2013 as well.
Coalition Advisor Harper Testifies to Congress: Federal Spending Data Should Be Machine-Readable
Monday, March 25, 2013 - On March 13, Jim Harper, Director of Information Policy Studies at the Cato Institute and member of the Data Transparency Coalition's Board of Advisors, testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform during a hearing to address transparency in the federal government.
Sunlight Foundation confirms USASpending.gov failure, builds case for DATA Act
Tuesday, March 05, 2013 - On February 4, the Sunlight Foundation released the fiscal year 2011 edition of Clearspending, its annual survey of the quality of data reported on USASpending.gov, the U.S. government's main spending transparency website. As in previous years, Clearspending showed USASpending.gov's data to be laughably bad. Of all federal grant and assistance programs, nearly 70% (judged by program size rather than a numeric count) reported amounts to USASpending.gov that were inconsistent with their reports to the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA).
With $1.55 Trillion in Federal Spending Misreported in 2011, Data Transparency Coalition Calls for Reintroduction of DATA Act
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 - Yesterday the Sunlight Foundation released the results of its Clearspending study for fiscal year 2011, showing that $1.55 trillion in U.S. federal grant spending was misreported on the government's flagship spending transparency website, USASpending.gov - see http://clearspending.com/ Without consistent data standards for its spending - especially common, nonproprietary identifiers for grants and contracts and for the grantees and contractors who receive the money - the U.S. government will never deliver the transparency that taxpayers deserve. Without data standards for federal spending, it will remain impossible to apply Big Data analysis tools to find waste, fraud, and abuse - the DATA Act should be reintroduced.
Challenging the IRS to open nonprofit data
Monday, February 04, 2013 - Hudson Hollister of the Data Transparency Coalition joined the Advisory Committee on Transparency last Monday for its first-ever Capitol Hill kickstarter event - a series of rapid-fire three-minute presentations on how Congress can act immediately to improve the transparency of the U.S. government.
Connecting big business (regulation) to Big Data: Columbia report shows the need for action
Monday, January 28, 2013 - The Columbia report is a call to action by both the SEC and Congress. The Data Transparency Coalition is going to pursue that action in 2013.
XBRL - Moving from Production to Consumption
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - John O'Rourke of Oracle with an update - "with the emergence of more end-user tools for consuming and analyzing XBRL-based data, and the ability to perform quick comparisons of one company versus its peers and competitors in an industry group, will soon accelerate the benefits to corporate finance staff, as well as individual investors."
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