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  • in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #192522
    Tim Bui

    Hi Mikko, thank you for reaching out. I would love to see your program. ​I created this github account.
    Is this what you are asking?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #192528
    Matthew Beveridge

    Tim and Mikko, I generally use github. I can share the repo with you all if you PM me (it’s currently private). Otherwise, I’ll get things in order to make it public and post the link within the next week or so.

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #192541
    Mikko Olkkonen

    Tim, I am now following you on github. I have uploaded to my github account a bash script ( I use for creating/maintaining my mongodb dera database. I have not yet uploaded the node.js server code (the node.js server offers http API for accessing the financials data stored in the mongoDB database).
    However, some version of server may be up and running at: returns company names and cik codes returns financials data corresponding to a cik
    and so forth

    in reply to: Lists of similar concepts #192544
    Tim Bui

    Thank you, Mikko! I just uploaded the files into my Postgres to check it out. I am also reading your DERA Financials data on Github right now. Thanks again

    in reply to: The XBRL API #192545
    Hasnain jaffery

    I would like to know that how can I identify which one is an amendment 10-K return. I am looking at an example of Apple returned initial file (report number 0001193125-09-214859) filed for 2009. later in early 2010 an amendment was filed (File number 0001193125-10-012091). How can I differentiate that this an amendment file for 2009.
    I wish I can show it via snapshot, but unable to find a way to identify that which one is 10-K/A file in XBRL.US database Plerase help me to identify 10-K/A file

    in reply to: 10-K/A files #192546
    David Tauriello

    Hi Hasnain – use the restatement_index field in your query to know when restated facts exist.

    This XBRL API fact query shows the details for the two reports in your post (10-K and 10-K/A). I am using Apple CIK along with period details to filter, then sorting by the restated-index.,report.restated-index.sort(ASC),report.type,period.fiscal-period,period.fiscal-year,concept.local-name,fact.value,report.accession,report.entry-url

    Any fact appearing in a restated report will show report.restated as TRUE; the report.restated-index is an integer reflecting the number of times the report has been restated since the original filing (1).

    Let me know if you still have questions about restatements in the Public Filings Database.

    in reply to: The XBRL API #192555
    Tim Bui

    Hi David, this question has nothing to do with XBRL US, but do you happen to know what the data items ‘dimh’ and ‘iprx’ embedded within the SEC Fin Statement and Notes mean? In the readme file, the SEC describes ‘dimh’ as “The 32-byte hexadecimal key for the dimensional information in the DIM data set” and ‘iprx’ as “A positive integer to distinguish different reported facts that otherwise would have the same primary key. For most purposes, data with iprx greater than 1 are not needed. The priority for the fact based on higher precision, closeness of the end date to a month end, and closeness of the duration to a multiple of three months. See fields dcml, durp and datp below.” I am sure the SEC put them there for a reason, but if you know, can you please help explain what is the DIM datat set when should I use ‘dimh’ and ‘iprx’ to filter for data? Thank you, David!

    in reply to: SEC Filing: dimh and iprx #192795
    David Tauriello

    Hi Tim – I’m not familiar with the details related to the SEC’s Financial Data Sets; you’ll need to contact the SEC to learn more.

    in reply to: SEC Filing: dimh and iprx #192796
    Tim Bui

    Thank you for your reply, David. I did ask the SEC but the reply was too terse to be helpful for novices like me. Thanks again!

    in reply to: The XBRL API #192827
    Nik Z


    I’ve found the XBRL API very useful for capturing entity and report data specifically from the 10K filings.

    However, there is some data that is only present in the DEF-14A (proxy) statements. For example, data from the “Executive Summary Compensation” tables and specific data points like the number of employees and median pay would be very useful.

    I was wondering if there was a timeline for the API to add this type of data? If not, even just being able to get the URL to the DEF14As would be helpful.


    in reply to: The XBRL API #192860
    Hasnain jaffery

    Hi David,
    Q: is it possible to see the SQL code behind any API?

    in reply to: Can the API be expanded to include DEF-14A (Proxy) Statements? #192875
    David Tauriello

    Hi Nik – thanks for writing with this question. At this time, the US SEC does not require data in the proxy statement to be submitted in XBRL. Consequently, we have no references to this form (URLs) in our setup. Maybe the SEC has an RSS feed for these filings you could use – ?

    Short of an SEC requirement to submit this data in XBRL, in order for us to include this data, a Proxy Statement Taxonomy would need to be added to our Public Filings Database, and a process for converting the data from the SEC into XBRL would need to be developed. We do not have a public timeline for this at this time.

    in reply to: Code for XRL API #192923
    David Tauriello

    Hi Hasnain – we don’t currently publish these details publicly. If you can give me an idea of what specific XBRL API query you’re looking for details to, I’ll see what I can do to make this available.

    in reply to: Code for XRL API #192924
    Hasnain jaffery

    Thanks David,
    I am just trying to get to establish the correct label link for any fact ID.
    Currently, I am using excel Add-on but I have to run this on a mass scale or do something more than what is provided, then I am lost.

    in reply to: The XBRL API #192955
    Christian Yanes

    Hi, I am trying to recreate a specific section of a 10-Q report by calling the api. For instance lets say I want to get all the facts that make up the “Condensed Consolidation Balance Sheet” section on the 10-Q report. What api calls should I consume to get the comprehensive set of facts making up this section of the report. Also if there is better way to do this different than finding the set of facts first and then retrieving those facats I am also interested.
    Thanks for you help

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