US SEC XBRL Taxonomies

This page lists the entire collection of XBRL Taxonomies for SEC reporting, including superseded versions of US GAAP, Mutual Fund and Credit Rating Agency taxonomies.

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2025 US GAAP Financial, SEC Reporting and DQC Rules Taxonomies

The 2025 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy (GRT) contains updates for accounting standards, Data Quality Committee Rules and other improvements since the 2024 Taxonomy as used by issuers filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2024 Cybersecurity Disclosure

The Cybersecurity Disclosure (CYD) taxonomy refers to the classification and organization of data related to periodic disclosure of material cybersecurity incidents registrants experience and to disclose on an annual basis material information regarding their cybersecurity risk management, strategy, and governance.

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2024 Security-Based Swap Data Repositories and Execution Facilities

The Security-Based Swap Data Repositories (SDRs) and Execution Facilities taxonomy refers to the classification and organization of data related to security-based swaps, which are a type of derivative contract. This taxonomy is used to standardize the reporting and dissemination of information about these financial instruments to ensure transparency, regulatory compliance, and market integrity.

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2024 IFRS Taxonomy

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy is the global standard issued by the IFRS Foundation to mark up electronic IFRS financial statements. By providing the IFRS Taxonomy, the International Accounting Standards Board can ensure that the taxonomy used is an accurate representation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards). SEC’s IFRS Taxonomy FAQ 2024 IFRS Taxonomy […more]

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2024 Resource Extraction Payments Taxonomy

This taxonomy is designed to enhance transparency and accountability in the extractive industries, such as oil, natural gas, and mining, by requiring companies to disclose specific information about the payments they make to governments for the commercial development of natural resources.

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2024 Fund Taxonomy

This taxonomy is used to standardize the reporting and disclosure of information by investment funds, such as mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other types of registered investment companies. This taxonomy is designed to enhance transparency, comparability, and accessibility of fund information for investors, regulators, and other stakeholders.

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2024 Closed-End Fund Taxonomy

This taxonomy is used to standardize the reporting and disclosure of information by closed-end funds. Closed-end funds are a type of investment company that issues a fixed number of shares through an initial public offering (IPO) and then trades on a stock exchange. The taxonomy is designed to enhance transparency, comparability, and accessibility of information for investors, regulators, and other stakeholders.

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2024 Executive Compensation Disclosure Taxonomy

This taxonomy is used to standardize the reporting and disclosure of executive compensation information by public companies. This taxonomy is designed to enhance transparency, comparability, and accessibility of information related to the compensation of top executives, such as the CEO, CFO, and other named executive officers (NEOs).

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2024 Filing Fee Disclosure

The Filing Fee Disclosure (FFD) taxonomy refers to the classification and organization of data related to tagging of disclosures related to filing fees.

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2024 US GAAP Financial, SEC Reporting and DQC Rules Taxonomies

The 2024 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy (GRT) contains updates for accounting standards, Data Quality Committee Rules and other improvements since the 2023 Taxonomy as used by issuers filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

XBRL Taxonomy


2023 Share Repurchase Taxonomy

This taxonomy is used to standardize the reporting and disclosure of information related to share repurchase programs by public companies. Share repurchase programs, also known as stock buybacks, involve a company buying back its own shares from the marketplace, which can affect the company’s share price, earnings per share, and overall capital structure.

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2023 Resource Extraction Payments Taxonomy

Family RXP Version 2023 Taxonomy Guide Zip Schemas: Automatically imported: Common Taxonomy Files may be explicitly imported

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2023 IFRS Taxonomy

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy is the global standard issued by the IFRS Foundation to mark up electronic IFRS financial statements. By providing the IFRS Taxonomy, the International Accounting Standards Board can ensure that the taxonomy used is an accurate representation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards). SEC’s IFRS Taxonomy FAQ 2023 IFRS Taxonomy […more]

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2023 Executive Compensation Disclosure Taxonomy

Family ECD Version 2023 Taxonomy Guide Release Notes Zip Schemas: Automatically imported: Common Taxonomy Files

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2023 Closed-End Fund Taxonomy

Family CEF Version 2023 Taxonomy Guide Zip Schemas: Automatically imported: May be explicitly imported: Common Taxonomy Files

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2023 Fund Taxonomy

Family FND Version 2023 Taxonomy Guide Zip Schemas: Automatically imported: Common Taxonomy Files may be explicitly imported

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2023 Variable Insurance Product Taxonomy

XBRL was mandated for variable insurance product reporting by the SEC. Details for the 2023 release of can be found here.

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2023 US Mutual Fund Risk/Return Taxonomy

XBRL was mandated for mutual fund Risk/Return Summary reporting by the SEC. Details for the 2022 release of the Mutual Fund Taxonomy can be found here.

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

2023 US GAAP Financial, SEC Reporting and DQC Rules Taxonomies

The 2023 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy (GRT) contains updates for accounting standards, Data Quality Committee Rules and other improvements since the 2022 Taxonomy as used by issuers filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

XBRL Taxonomy


2022 Q4 Executive Compensation Disclosure Taxonomy

Family ECD Version 2022Q4 Taxonomy Guide Release Notes Zip Schemas: or Automatically imported: May be explicitly imported: Common Taxonomy Files

XBRL Taxonomy


2022Q3 US GAAP Taxonomy Supplement

The 2022 Q3 Supplemental GAAP Taxonomy which is made up of improvements to the GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy and the SEC Reporting Taxonomy (collectively referred to as the “GAAP Taxonomy”) includes improvements for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Release Nos. 33–10771; 34–88606; IC–33836. That release requires that a business development company submit financial […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


2022 IFRS Taxonomy

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy is the global standard issued by the IFRS Foundation to mark up electronic IFRS financial statements. By providing the IFRS Taxonomy, the International Accounting Standards Board can ensure that the taxonomy used is an accurate representation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards). SEC’s IFRS Taxonomy FAQ 2022 IFRS Taxonomy […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


2022 Fund Taxonomy

Family FND Version 2022 Taxonomy Guide Zip Schemas: Automatically imported: 2022 Common Taxonomy Files may be explicitly imported

XBRL Taxonomy


2022 US GAAP Financial and SEC Reporting Taxonomies

The 2022 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy (GRT) contains updates for accounting standards, Data Quality Committee Rules and other improvements since the 2021 Taxonomy as used by issuers filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

XBRL Taxonomy


US Mutual Fund Risk/Return Taxonomy, 2022

XBRL was mandated for mutual fund Risk/Return Summary reporting by the SEC. Details for the 2022 release of the Mutual Fund Taxonomy can be found here.

XBRL Taxonomy


Closed-End Fund Taxonomy, 2022

XBRL was mandated for Closed-End Funds by the SEC. Details for the 2022 release can be found here.

XBRL Taxonomy


2021 Q4 Document and Entity Information (DEI)

On September 1, 2021, the SEC announced this draft release of the 2021 Document and Entity Information (DEI) taxonomy to update certain references and add concepts for tagging auditor information.

XBRL Taxonomy


Closed-End Fund Taxonomy, 2021Q4

XBRL was mandated for Closed-End Funds by the SEC. Details for the 2021 Q4 release can be found here.

XBRL Taxonomy


US Mutual Fund Risk/Return Taxonomy, 2021

XBRL was mandated for mutual fund Risk/Return Summary reporting by the SEC. Details for the 2018 release of the Mutual Fund Taxonomy can be found here.

XBRL Taxonomy


2021 IFRS Taxonomy

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy is the global standard issued by the IFRS Foundation to mark up electronic IFRS financial statements. By providing the IFRS Taxonomy, the International Accounting Standards Board can ensure that the taxonomy used is an accurate representation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards). 2021 IFRS Taxonomy resources – includes .zip, […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


2021 US GAAP Financial and SEC Reporting Taxonomies

The 2021 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy (GRT) contains updates for accounting standards, Data Quality Committee Rules and other improvements since the 2020 Taxonomy as used by issuers filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

XBRL Taxonomy


2021 Document and Entity Information (DEI)

The 2020 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy contains updates for accounting standards and other recommended improvements, including an initial set of Data Quality Committee Rules.

XBRL Taxonomy


2020 IFRS Taxonomy

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy is the global standard issued by the IFRS Foundation to mark up electronic IFRS financial statements. By providing the IFRS Taxonomy, the International Accounting Standards Board can ensure that the taxonomy used is an accurate representation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards). 2020 IFRS Taxonomy resources || Viewer (full […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


2020 Document and Entity Information (DEI)

The 2020 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy contains updates for accounting standards and other recommended improvements, including an initial set of Data Quality Committee Rules.

XBRL Taxonomy


2020 US GAAP Financial and SEC Reporting Taxonomies

The 2020 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy contains updates for accounting standards and other recommended improvements, including an initial set of Data Quality Committee Rules.

XBRL Taxonomy


2019 IFRS Taxonomy

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy is the global standard issued by the IFRS Foundation to mark up electronic IFRS financial statements. By providing the IFRS Taxonomy, the International Accounting Standards Board can ensure that the taxonomy used is an accurate representation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards). 2019 IFRS Taxonomy resources || Viewer (full […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


2019 US GAAP Financial and SEC Reporting Taxonomies

The 2019 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy contains updates for accounting standards and other recommended improvements. The 2019 SRT contains updates for the SEC’s authoritative literature in which the underlying recognition and measurement are not specified by GAAP and dimensional elements whose underlying recognition and measurement are not specified by GAAP but that are elements used by GAAP filers.

XBRL Taxonomy


2018 IFRS Taxonomy

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy is the global standard issued by the IFRS Foundation to mark up electronic IFRS financial statements. By providing the IFRS Taxonomy, the International Accounting Standards Board can ensure that the taxonomy used is an accurate representation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards). Browse IFRS Taxonomy resources || Viewer (full […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


US Mutual Fund Risk/Return Taxonomy, 2018

XBRL was mandated for mutual fund Risk/Return Summary reporting by the SEC. Details for the 2018 release of the Mutual Fund Taxonomy can be found here.

XBRL Taxonomy


2017 IFRS Taxonomy

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy is the global standard issued by the IFRS Foundation to mark up electronic IFRS financial statements. By providing the IFRS Taxonomy, the International Accounting Standards Board can ensure that the taxonomy used is an accurate representation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards). Browse IFRS Taxonomy resources || Viewer (full […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


2018 US GAAP Financial and SEC Reporting Taxonomies

The 2018 U.S. Financial Reporting Taxonomy (Taxonomy) contains updates for accounting standards and other improvements since the 2017 Taxonomy as used by issuers filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). During a 60-day comment period that concluded October 31, 2017, FASB encouraged all interested parties to review and provide feedback on these updates […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


2016 IFRS Taxonomy

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy is the global standard issued by the IFRS Foundation to mark up electronic IFRS financial statements. By providing the IFRS Taxonomy, the International Accounting Standards Board can ensure that the taxonomy used is an accurate representation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards). Browse IFRS Taxonomy resources || Viewer (full IFRS […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


2017 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy

The 2017 U.S. Financial Reporting Taxonomy (Taxonomy) contains updates for accounting standards and other improvements since the 2016 Taxonomy as used by issuers filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The EDGAR System has been upgraded to support the 2017 US GAAP, Country, Currency, Exchange and NAICS taxonomies. Release details Namespace (all elements): […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


2016 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy

The 2016 US GAAP Taxonomy was developed by the Financial Accounting Financial Board (FASB) and has been accepted and supported by the SEC. It can be downloaded in its entirety from the links at the bottom of this page, along with other resources for implementation and use. Release details Namespace (all elements): Recommended Namespace […more]

XBRL Taxonomy

accepted and supported

Record of Credit Ratings Taxonomy, 2015

United States Securities & Exchange Commission Family RATINGS Version 2015 Preparer’s Guide Zip Schemas: Entry Points: Labels: Presentation Links: References:

XBRL Taxonomy


2015 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy

The 2015 US GAAP Taxonomy was developed by the Financial Accounting Financial Board (FASB) and has been accepted and supported by the SEC. It can be downloaded in its entirety from the links at the bottom of this page, along with other resources for implementation and use.

XBRL Taxonomy


2014 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy

The 2014 US GAAP Taxonomy was developed by the Financial Accounting Financial Board (FASB) and has been accepted and supported by the SEC. It can be downloaded in its entirety from the links at the bottom of this page, along with other resources for implementation and use.

XBRL Taxonomy


2013 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy

The 2013 US GAAP Taxonomy was developed by the Financial Accounting Financial Board (FASB) and has been accepted and supported by the SEC. It can be downloaded in its entirety from the links at the bottom of this page, along with other resources for implementation and use.

XBRL Taxonomy


US Mutual Fund Risk/Return Taxonomy, 2012

XBRL was mandated for mutual fund Risk/Return Summary reporting by the SEC. The 2012 release of the Mutual Fund Taxonomy can be found here.

XBRL Taxonomy


2012 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy

The 2012 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy has been accepted and supported by the SEC. It can be downloaded in its entirety from the links at the bottom of this page, along with other resources for implementation and use. This taxonomy has been superseded.

XBRL Taxonomy


2011 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy

The 2011 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy was acknowledged by the SEC and made available for use. It can be downloaded in its entirety from the links at the bottom of this page, along with other resources for implementation and use. This taxonomy has been superseded by later releases.

XBRL Taxonomy


US Mutual Fund Risk/Return Taxonomy, 2010

XBRL was mandated for mutual fund Risk/Return Summary reporting by the SEC. The 2011 release of the Mutual Fund Taxonomy can be found here.

XBRL Taxonomy


Record of Credit Ratings Taxonomy, Release 2009

The Record of Credit Ratings Taxonomy, Release 2009 is available for use. It can be downloaded in its entirety or viewed in the XBRL US Review Tool.

XBRL Taxonomy


US GAAP Taxonomies, Release 2009

The US GAAP Taxonomies, Release 2009 is available for use.  It can be downloaded in its entirety at left, along with other resources for implementation and use. Release details Namespace (all elements): Recommended Namespace Prefix: us-gaap Core schema and standard labels: Industry entry points: Banking and Savings: Brokers and Dealers: Commercial and Industrial: Insurance: […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


US Mutual Fund Risk/Return Summary Taxonomy, 2008

Represents the Risk/Return Summary portion of SEC Form N‑1A according to the final rule 33‑8998. The 2008 Mutual Fund Risk/Return Summary Taxonomy has been completed. Please read the copyright, license, warranty and liability terms for the taxonomy. Your use of the taxonomy indicates your acceptance of those terms. Below are links to the taxonomy which can be […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


US Schedule of Investments Taxonomy, 2008

Represents a Schedule of Investments for any US GAAP investment holdings report and particularly those in the “Form and Content Schedules” of SEC Regulation S-X (17 CFR part 210). The 2008 Schedule of Investment Taxonomy has been completed. Please read the copyright, license, warranty and liability terms for the taxonomy. Your use of the taxonomy […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


US GAAP Taxonomies 1.0, Release 2008

Represents US Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) as of December 2007, encompassing Financial Statements and Notes to the Financial Statements. This supersedes the taxonomies published in 2005 and 2006. The taxonomies do not include the following pronouncements from FASB: FAS 141R – Business Combinations FAS 160 – Non Controlling Interests FAS 161 – Derivatives and […more]

XBRL Taxonomy


US Mutual Fund Risk/Return Taxonomy, 2006

Final 2007-05-06 XBRL International “Acknowledged” status XBRL Specification 2.1 Recommendation dated 2003-12-31 (with Corrected Errata through 2005-04-25) The Mutual Fund Risk/Return Summary Taxonomy has been acknowledged by XBRL International. Supporting Files Technical Users Guide Printout of Taxonomy Elements Developer Package (taxonomy files, documentation, sample instances) Sample Instances

XBRL Taxonomy


Voluntary Filing Program XBRL US Financial Reporting Taxonomies

US GAAP Investment Management Final 2005-06-28 Approved XBRL Specification 2.1 Recommendation dated 2003-12-31 (with Corrected Errata through 2005-04-25) This financial reporting taxonomy is intended to provide detail level accounting terms and reporting structures required by certain US GAAP-based investment management companies in order to tag financial statements in XBRL. This taxonomy imports key elements of […more]

Browse all US taxonomies (includes superseded versions of US GAAP)
