April 2017

Regulatory & Legislative News


XBRL International News

Regulatory & Legislative News

May 16 Deadline Set for Comments to SEC Rule Proposal on Inline XBRL

The public comment period has been set to end on May 16, 2017 for the SEC rule proposal for Inline XBRL for public companies. The proposal recommends a phased transition to Inline XBRL to replace the XBRL and HTML filings that companies today are required to submit. All XBRL US members and other interested parties are encouraged to comment.

Read the proposal: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/03/17/2017-04366/inline-xbrl-filing-of-tagged-data

SEC Proposes Changes to Industry Guide 3 (Statistical Disclosure by Bank Holding Companies)

The proposed changes to Industry Guide 3 cover updates to disclosure requirements for bank holding companies, including a proposal to require tabular disclosures in XBRL format. The public comment period ends May 8, 2017.

Read the proposal: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/03/07/2017-04329/request-for-comment-on-possible-changes-to-industry-guide-3-statistical-disclosure-by-bank-holding

Webinar: SEC Notice on IFRS Taxonomy: What It Means for FPIs, XBRL Providers & Data Users, April 5

This program will feature speakers from the SEC’s Office of Corporation Finance: Jill Davis, Associate Chief Accountant, and from the Office of Structured Disclosure: Kimberly Earle, Associate Chief Accountant, Division of Economic and Risk Analysis, and Walter Hamscher, Senior IT Program Manager, Office of Structured Disclosure, as well as the IASB’s Andromeda Wood, Senior Technical Manager – IFRS Taxonomy, IASB. See a demonstration of the IFRS Taxonomy and learn about the rules surrounding XBRL and foreign private issuers.

Learn more and register: https://xbrl.us/events/20170405/

Point of View: Embed Your View … On Inline XBRL

Campbell Pryde, President and CEO, XBRL US, discusses the importance of voicing your opinion about SEC rule proposals including the recent proposal on Inline XBRL for public companies. How companies report their financials can have a big impact on investing, and ultimately on the economy. Stakeholders to business reporting should weigh in before the comment period ends on May 16, 2017.

Read the post: https://xbrl.us/pov

Recent Point of View topics

  • What Can the Solar Industry Learn from the Grocery Business?
    Jon Previtali, VP, Environmental Finance Group, Wells Fargo and Michelle Savage, VP, XBRL US
  • Ready to Trade in your Flip Phone?
    Julie Valpey, Chair, XBRL US Communications Steering Committee; Partner, National SEC Department, BDO – https://xbrl.us/flip-phone/
  • Three New Year’s Resolutions for Public Company Filers
    Mike Starr, Chair of the XBRL US Data Quality Committee; Vice President, Governmental and Regulatory Affairs, Workiva – https://xbrl.us/resolutions/

Webinar Replay Available: Standards to Automate Processing for Contractors, Agents & Sureties

Watch the replay from this free, one-hour webinar to see a demo featuring The Hartford consuming XBRL-formatted financial reports automatically into their internal financial systems. You?ll also watch a demonstration of how contractors can create XBRL-formatted financials easily and efficiently. Sureties no longer need to manually rekey data. Contractors have faster, more efficient access to credit. Bonding agents can more easily facilitate the process.

View the archived webinar: https://xbrl.us/events/20170329/

Webinar Replay Available: SEC Inline XBRL Proposal: Where It Leads for Issuers, XBRL Providers & Data Users

Watch the replay and learn from XBRL US CEO Campbell Pryde about the rule proposal for Inline XBRL and implications for issuers, data as well as tool and service providers, investors and analysts.

View the archived webinar: https://xbrl.us/events/20170322/.


XBRL US Speaks at Solar and Surety Events

Upcoming speaking engagements:

  • Surety Innovation Center
    National Association of Surety Bond Producers (NASBP) Annual Meeting – April 24, Boca Raton, FL
  • Surety & Fidelity Association of America
    Annual Meeting – May 11, Washington, DC

Recent events:

  • Scaling Up Solar Finance: Standards To Reduce Soft Costs and Expand The Market
    SunSpec Alliance 2017 Annual Meeting – March 30, San Francisco, CA
  • Big Data: Little Orange Button
    Solar Power Asset Management and Performance Conference – January 19-20, San Diego, CA

Upcoming XBRL US Data Quality Committee Meeting

The next Data Quality Committee (DQC) meeting will be held on April 19.

To register: https://xbrl.us/events/dqc-20170419/

Upcoming XBRL US Steering Committee Meetings

  • The Domain Steering Committee meeting will be Thursday, April 6 at 4 PM ET.
  • The Communications Steering Committee meeting will be Wednesday, April 26 at 10 AM ET.

XBRL US Members are invited to attend and get involved. Email membership@xbrl.us for details.

XBRL International News

XBRL International Hosts its 2017 Conference, Data Amplified, in Paris, November 6-8

Learn about the conference: https://xbrl.us/events/data-amplified-2017/

About Data Quality

SEC filers should all use freely available, Data Quality Committee rules to identify and resolve errors in XBRL-formatted financials for more consistent, better quality data.

Learn about the rules: https://xbrl.us/rules-guidance
Find Data Quality Certified applications: https://xbrl.us/certification
